Find Film Shoot locations for rent in Los Angeles, CA

Search and book thousands of unique Film Shoot locations to rent for your production in Los Angeles, CA.
  • 1M +
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  • 10000+
    Locations in Los Angeles, CA
  • 4.8/5
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  • $215 /hr /hr
    Average cost

Top Film Shoot locations in Los Angeles, CA

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Frequently Asked Questions about Film Shoot locations

Have a question about Film Shoot in Los Angeles, CA?
  • Do I need my own production or event insurance in Los Angeles?
    Yes. All renters are required to carry Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage insurance with liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
  • What protection plans are available for bookings in Los Angeles on Giggster?
    Giggster offers Damage Protection coverage that you can add to a booking at checkout. Learn more about Giggster's Damage Protection coverage.
  • What types of locations can I book in Los Angeles?
    You can choose from 42 types! Just search for locations in Los Angeles at, then click 'Filters' to look for something specific.
  • How many Film Shoot locations are available in Los Angeles?
    Right now, there are 10000 Film Shoot locations available in Los Angeles.
  • What payment methods does Giggster accept for Los Angeles bookings?
    You can pay for your booking with a credit card, or with ACH or wire transfer for bookings over $4k.
  • What is the cancellation policy for Los Angeles guests on Giggster?
    Refund options vary, based on when the booking is canceled. Learn more about Giggster's cancellation and refund policy.
  • What are the cleaning and safety policies for Los Angeles locations on Giggster?
    Now more than ever, your health and safety is our number one priority. We've outlined specific health and safety requirements for both hosts and guests. Learn more about Giggster's COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures.
  • What locations available near Los Angeles?
    You'll find up to 42 different types of locations in Los Angeles. Just start a search at and narrow things down with the 'Filter' option.
  • Is there an extra cost to add more attendees to my Los Angeles booking?
    Yes. Pricing tiers are based on group size. For example, if you booked a space for a group of 1-5 for $30/hr, the price per person is $6/hr. Each additional person would increase the rate by $6/hr.
  • How much are average location rentals in Los Angeles?
    Rental rates vary with the type and features of the location, but the average rate in Los Angeles is $215 per hour.
  • Why should I choose Giggster over other platforms offering rentals in Los Angeles?
    Giggster's got your back — and we know our stuff. Our Customer Support team is knowledgeable and accessible, we offer white glove Select service to help you find the perfect location, and we're experts on the unique needs of production teams.
  • What is the price range for Film Shoot locations in Los Angeles, CA?
    Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but generally a 1-hour booking will be in the range of $19 to $2,100.
  • Which Film Shoot locations are most popular in Los Angeles, CA in 2025?
  • How do I book a Los Angeles location on Giggster?
    When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.

Reviews for Film Shoot locations in Los Angeles, CA

Sasha S.
Absolutely perfect experience. Adam was great and quick with his communication. Keith (onsite person) was extremely accommodating. House is beautiful.
Cole S.
An excellent location with so much space and great hosts! Very production-friendly for all your general needs on set. Denis and the site reps are truly awesome. Would absolutely shoot here again.
Allen O.
This is our second time renting the space. It has everything you could want in terms of sets and props. Peter, the owner is incredibly nice and helpful. Loved it.
Kyle M.
Amazing location and the people are wonderful to work with! The owner and site rep were super hospitable and professional. Would definitely recommend to any production!
Rosco G.
Great location and huge! So many cool areas to play with. Also, the host is attentive and communicative. Recommended.
Rosco G.
Incredible space and even better hosts! This was the perfect booking. The hosts are readily available, helpful, and also cool to hang out with. 10/10 Would book again and recommend it. Many areas to shoot, we barely scratched the surface. We will be back for sure.
Isabella C.
I would 1000% recommend this house to anyone who’s looking for a beautiful place to film. It’s open concept, bright and tastefully furnished. Me and my team had a wonderful experience filming here. And the owner Jon is wonderful as well!
Jim W.
This location is a great place to shoot. Michele went above and beyond to facilitate our needs, which, as anyone who has worked on a movie knows, often shifts. There are a lot of rooms for production to utilize different set-ups. Michele is a dream of a host as she responds immediately and works with production to serve their needs.

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Find Film Shoot locations in Los Angeles, CA

About Los Angeles

Shimmering under the hot Southern California sun you can find Los Angeles, one of the most prominent film capitals of the world. Home to a number of A-list celebrities and billionaires, L.A.’s timeless culture and jet-set lifestyle allures thousands of people from around the globe.

There’s no questioning as to why the largest and most successful production companies like Universal, Paramount, and Disney are headquartered throughout the city. Its warm weather, many attractions, and diverse pool of cultures, talents, and innovators are a recipe for new opportunities and creative ideas to happen every day. Add to that L.A.'s abundance of nearby beaches, parks, and forests, not to mention mountain trails, deserts, and industrial warehouses, just hours, if not minutes, away, and it's easy to see why Los Angeles is the best place to have a film shoot. Because, whether your set calls for a shining sandy beach, a green forest escape, or a deserted and dry desert, Los Angeles surely has the venue to do it.

Film Shoot Options in Los Angeles

There is no shortage of filming locations throughout the city. L.A.’s landscape and iconic destinations are adaptive to every event and occasion.

  • Homes
    Throughout the city, you’ll find a mix of eloquently designed homes ranging from quaint Spanish-style cottages to breathtaking modern mansions that will surely set the mood for any film shoot.

  • Film studios
    Los Angeles is built for the video and production industry––you’ll find a number of film studios equipped with sufficient lighting, multipurpose rooms, and overall a creative space for teams and independent artists.

  • Outdoor spaces
    There are a number of grand parks and viewpoints in Los Angeles that are both picture-perfect and functional. Regardless of the scene, both ocean horizons and mountain peaks permit magnificent and panoramic views of the city.
  • Industrial or commercial spaces
    For more theme-specific occasions that require more customization in decor and space, Los Angeles has plenty of empty warehouses and feasible office spaces that can be uniquely designed to fit any film or production meeting.

  • One-of-a-kind settings
    Down every boulevard and up every street is iconic and historic in its own way. The city of L.A. is a stunning backdrop no matter where you are and its staple destinations are easily recognizable.

Production Companies in Los Angeles

  • Spirinity Productions
    Conveying stories through top-notch video and production equipment and talent, Spirinity Productions offers everything under the sun when it comes to film and production services. Spirinity’s services include everything from casting to choreography and video production to public relations, and they’ve been featured in a number of media outlets like CBS, NBC, and Radio Disney.

  • Ezra Productions
    Ezra Productions is a full-service video and production company with services in both Los Angeles and New York. Since 2012, they’ve been awarded numerous times as top content producers by Telly Awards, Communicator Awards, and Addy Awards, and have been featured in BuzzFeed, Bustle, and LA Times.

  • Clum Creative
    Specializing in corporate video content and animation, the team of video production experts at Clum Creative works closely with brands to create content that fit the modern-day standards of marketing. With experience in all industries, they have developed brand videos, broadcast commercials, and documentary-style media.

Pros and Cons of Film Shoots in Los Angeles


  • Great Climate
    Los Angeles’ temperatures are generally stable throughout the year. Regardless of location, the city rarely gets overbearingly frigid or scorching hot. Most venues are equipped with air conditioning or portable heaters.

  • Vast Services
    There’s an endless amount of professional services at your disposal in the city with new opportunities appearing every day. And, with Hollywood so close by, the list of top-quality production crews for hire in Los Angeles just keeps getting bigger.

  • Both Indoor & Outdoor Venues
    Los Angeles is quite flexible when it comes to space: the city is suitable for any type of film that requires a flexible setting.

  • Diverse Culture & Arts
    With so many visitors and transplants from around the world, L.A. has adapted to the number of cultures that have shared everything from food, art styles, and traditions.


  • Too Many Options
    Although L.A. has a number of services available, it can sometimes get overwhelming when searching for just the right team that fits your vision precisely.

  • Expensive Services
    Because Los Angeles has a high cost of living, the majority of the services will be costly when compared to other cities.

  • Lack of Parking
    LA often struggles to supply sufficient parking. Be prepared to pay for metered and structured parking when parking in the city.

  • Crime
    As with any other major city, crime can be a predicament if precautions aren’t taken into consideration.

  • Congested traffic
    The infamous Los Angeles traffic is known to many. Once you’re stuck in a gridlock traffic jam, it heavily affects commuting time. It’s ideal to plan ahead or host events outside of peak hours.

Famous Film Shoot Locations in Los Angeles

Need encouragement before your Los Angeles film shoot? Check out these fabulous locales to find your inspiration.

  • Santa Monica Pier
    With views north and south of California’s Pacific Coast, the 1,600-foot pier is home to a number of food and amusement attractions and hosts its most prominent feature: the Pacific Park Ferris wheel. Notable movies filmed on the pier include Beverly Hills Cop 3, Forrest Gump, and Rocky III. The pier makes an ideal backdrop for many film locations along the beach.

  • Griffith Observatory
    For films demonstrating the great opportunities that Los Angeles has to offer, the Griffith Observatory makes an excellent film location because of its unbelievable views of the city. As spotlighted in movies like La La Land and The Terminator, the cliff-hanging building gives sights of the downtown skyline and on clear days, views of the Pacific ocean.

  • The Sunset Strip
    Whether you’re coming from a glamorous Hollywood villa or a modern farm-style home, Sunset Boulevard treats visitors to a handful of bars, clubs, and restaurants. The area’s vibrant neon lights and designer shops blend old and new Hollywood together for a novel Hollywood experience.