Find the best film and event venues for rent in Woodland Hills, CA

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  • 1M +
    Users on platform
  • 277
    Locations in Woodland Hills, CA
  • 4.8/5
    Rating on
  • $253 /hr /hr
    Average cost

Top venues in Woodland Hills, CA

Frequently Asked Questions about Woodland Hills, CA venues

Have a question about venues in Woodland Hills, CA?
  • What is the price range for locations in Woodland Hills?
    Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but rates generally range from $30 to $1,500 per hour for spaces in Woodland Hills.
  • What is the average hourly minimum for locations in Woodland Hills?
    The average minimum booking time is 3 hours for locations in Woodland Hills.
  • What are the most popular locations in Woodland Hills?
  • How many locations are available for rent in Woodland Hills?
    There are currently 277 locations available in Woodland Hills.
  • How many location types are available in Woodland Hills?
    Right now, there are at least 32 of different types of locations in Woodland Hills.
  • How do I book a Woodland Hills location on Giggster?
    When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.

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Find unique spaces for rent in Woodland Hills, CA

About Woodland Hills

In an area just north of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley, sits a beautiful town called Woodland Hills. Much like the surrounding areas, the climate in Woodland Hills tends to be on the warmer side, and with it being just a few miles away from the Malibu beaches, that’s not a bad climate to be in. Woodland Hills is known for its upscale luxury shops and restaurants as well as the great hiking and biking areas.

With the quaint downtown and breathtaking San Fernando Valley in the background, this is a content creator’s dream. Those who plan to capture the essence of a lush, ritzy area that is in touch with its natural side would love to shoot their production here.

It is also a great place to host birthday parties, meetings, pop ups, and just about any other type of event you can think of, particularly due to their welcoming atmosphere and close proximity to some beautiful places.

Attractions in Woodland Hills

It may not be flashy Los Angeles, but Woodland Hills does have its own list of worthy attractions to discover.

  • Upper Las Virgenes Open Space Preserve
    Nature buffs and people who love the outdoors are sure to enjoy this lovely outdoor space. There are over 3,000 acres of land to explore. Whether you’re biking, hiking, or on a nature retreat, Upper Las Virgenes Open Space Preserve is the place to be.

  • Orcutt Ranch Horticultural Center
    History buffs and nature lovers alike will enjoy this attraction. This park spans over 25 acres and is filled with rows and rows of citrus trees as far as the eye can see. They are also famous for their gorgeous rose garden.

  • Ventura Boulevard
    If cold beers on tap, live music, and great nightlife sound like your ideal evening, make sure to check out the famous Ventura Boulevard. It is a very popular street that is packed with great bars, restaurants, shops, and local culture.

Production Locations in Woodland Hills

Sometimes the right production location just lands in your lap, but most times you have to do a little bit of searching to find the perfect one. There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing your next venue, so here are a few options worth checking out.

  • Vintage Vehicles
    If your Woodland Hills video shoot is a period piece, or possibly just car-focused, you might find yourself needing a cool scene-appropriate vehicle. Many famous films in history have revolved around cars; classics like The Italian Job, Fast and Furious franchise, Gone in 60 Seconds, and Ford vs Ferrari. If this seems like something your shoot could use, consider booking a 1979 Classic Volkswagen Convertible.

  • Empty Living Spaces or Whole Houses
    Do you want all those creature comforts of home while still having a new location for the shoot? Consider booking a house or living space for your next production. Woodland Hills has plenty of options for you to choose, be they high-end establishments or more traditional downhome styles. These venues often come fully furnished with tons of amenities to help round out the shoot and make it more authentic.

  • Wide Open Spaces
    If there is one thing that induces an air of freedom, it is wide open spaces. Woodland Hills has a few of these available for rent. They have great parking and lots of room to set up your production the right way. Some of these locations are attached to houses, and some are empty lots.

  • Indoor Soccer Pitches
    Maybe you are shooting a brochure for a local soccer team or athletic trainer position. If you need an authentic location to suit those needs, an indoor soccer pitch could be the way to go. It is functional, so there is no setup involved, and it is a big enough space to fit your subjects as well as your film crew.

Event and Meeting Venues in Woodland Hills

Woodland Hills has a lot of great options for event and business meeting venues worth considering. There are a lot of options out there, so make sure to go over your choices before settling down on one.

  • Banquet Halls
    If you plan to have your event rake in a good number of people, a banquet hall could be a valid option. Having a Woodland Hills retirement party at a location like this could easily seat a few hundred people. They tend to come standard with more than enough chairs and tables, along with linens, a stage, and possibly a sound system. Sound like it would work for your event? Book a beautiful new banquet hall.

  • Outdoor Pool
    Who doesn’t love a Woodland Hills pool party in the summertime? Book one of these locations and invite your friends, maybe even a DJ, and you have yourself an automatic party. Outdoor pools basically come standard with fun. Props worth investing in might include floaties, lawn chairs, a diving board, snack table, tiki bar, and big-bulb lights.

  • Gaming Rooms
    If gathering all your friends into a room with comfy chairs, big TVs, gaming systems, and tons of snacks sounds like a good time, renting a game room is going to be a great idea. With a strong enough internet connection, you and all of your friends can spend the entire night doing tournament play on your favorite games. Cheetos and Mountain Dew sold separately.

  • Restaurants
    There is always the option of booking a table at your favorite restaurant for your next birthday party in Woodland Hills. Everyone is familiar with the process, it is super easy, and you get someone to serve you food and drinks with no cleanup! A lot of people choose restaurants for their big event because it is just easier to have someone else handle all the hard work while you simply enjoy the party.