Find the best film and event venues for rent in Twentynine Palms, CA

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  • 1M +
    Users on platform
  • 36
    Locations in Twentynine Palms, CA
  • 4.8/5
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  • $198 /hr /hr
    Average cost

Top venues in Twentynine Palms, CA

Frequently Asked Questions about Twentynine Palms, CA venues

Have a question about venues in Twentynine Palms, CA?
  • What is the price range for locations in Twentynine Palms?
    Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but rates generally range from $50 to $800 per hour for spaces in Twentynine Palms.
  • What is the average hourly minimum for locations in Twentynine Palms?
    The average minimum booking time is 4 hours for locations in Twentynine Palms.
  • What are the most popular locations in Twentynine Palms?
    The top 3 locations in Twentynine Palms, CA right now are Open Air Desert Studio, 198 Acres Desert Property and Hi-Desert Home, close to Joshua Tree NP. .
  • How many locations are available for rent in Twentynine Palms?
    There are currently 36 locations available in Twentynine Palms.
  • Which location types are most popular in Twentynine Palms?
    Twentynine Palms is a popular spot for House, Ranch and Industrial Buildings locations.
  • How many location types are available in Twentynine Palms?
    Right now, there are at least 10 of different types of locations in Twentynine Palms.
  • How do I book a Twentynine Palms location on Giggster?
    When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.

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Find unique spaces for rent in Twentynine Palms, CA

About Twentynine Palms

Located at the southernmost tip of the Mojave Desert between Joshua Tree State Park and the Mojave National Reserve is the small city of Twentynine Palms, California. If you aren’t scared of some sun, this is the place to be. There are desert plains as far as the eye can see, with mountains and cactuses to round out the vistas. It is also home to the largest Marine Corps training base in the world, the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center.

When producers and content creators come here, they tend to be searching for a sandy location with big skies and hot heat. If your shoot is meant to be inside, there are plenty of great houses and halls to rent out. Event planners also love this city because there is so much room to host an outdoor event like a birthday or dance party.

Attractions in Twentynine Palms

When visiting a small town like Twentynine Palms, you may as well see some of the cool attractions that can only be found in a little place like this. Here are a few attractions to consider:

  • Tortoise Rock Casino
    Try your hand at rolling the dice or bet it all on a hand of blackjack at this popular casino attraction. Whether you are into the thrill of gambling or just like to watch (or maybe you are just here for the food?) Tortoise Rock Casino will certainly create some fun memories.

  • Smith’s Ranch Drive-In
    When was the last time you pulled up to a drive-in movie theater with your loved one or friends, ordered some popcorn and soda, and watched a double-feature at a drive-in? Smith’s Ranch Drive-In is a great experience that is unique and fun for the whole family.

  • Entrance to Joshua Tree National Park
    The fascinating thing about Joshua Tree National Park is that it sits on the overlap where the Mojave desert and the Colorado Desert meld. It is famous for its unusual rock formations and timeless Joshua Trees. One of the entrances of this park can be found in Twentynine Palms.

Production Locations in Twentynine Palms

Finding the right Twentynine Palms production location can be a bit daunting at first. Should it be outside or indoors? What time period or aesthetic does the scene take place in? These are things to consider when booking your location. Here are a few options.

  • Open Fields
    For a particular type of Twentynine Palms video shoot, an open field could fit the vibe perfectly. They are natural areas with tons of room to shoot and really good parking. Especially in this area of the world, there are open areas that have acres of space, cool shrubbery, and beautiful mountainscapes in the vistas. If this sounds fitting for your production, consider booking a desert landscape with panoramic mountain views for your next production.

  • Rooftops
    Freedom, vitality, youthfulness, and joy are just a few of the ideas that come to mind when you think about having an event on a rooftop. Imagine your next Twentynine Palms photo shoot a few stories above the city with the open sky, the sun setting over the horizon, and the cityscape showing its teeth in the background. Rooftop venues are fun and exciting and when you choose this option, you get the wonderful natural light that accompanies such an event.

  • Cool Classic Cars
    If you have ever seen a classic Americana period piece, you are sure to have seen an old New England road in Fall lined with classic vehicles. Sometimes having the right classic car or truck could be what makes your shoot pop. Particularly out west where the weather is better, you are likely to find vintage vehicles in good condition.

  • Photography Studios
    When it comes to doing photo shoots, wouldn’t it make the most sense to shoot it in a photography studio? Photographers have a space that they can cultivate with their imagination being the only limitation. These studios can be any size and come with all the available space and outlets to set up lighting, fans, props, and green screens to bring your vision to life.

Event and Meeting Venues in Twentynine Palms

When searching for your next event space in Twentynine Pines, you are going to have some good options to choose from. It is just a matter of seeing your options and picking the one that best suits your event needs.

  • Gardens
    On nice-weather days, wouldn’t it be nice to host a mixer or baby shower in Twentynine Palms surrounded by beautiful flowers, growing flora, and radiant sunshine? Sometimes, folks will book a garden as their event space because there is usually an area for friends to gather, chairs, tables, and a nice open space to enjoy the weather. Gardens are peaceful and a great way to step out of the “traditional” event space.

  • Restaurants
    This is not a bad way to go either when looking for event spaces in Twentynine Palms. Everyone knows that restaurants are known for providing a great atmosphere for an event, be it a birthday, anniversary, or business meeting. You can reserve a table, order food, enjoy some drinks, and be treated with the high praise and respect of a well-seasoned staff. No cooking, no cleanup, and you get to have a fun event!

  • Boardrooms
    A boardroom, or meeting room, might be sufficient for what you’re looking for when booking a meeting vspace in Twentynine Palms. They can often be found in hotels or office buildings and can vary in size depending on your needs. They also will likely come equipped with meeting room essentials like chairs, a table, and working outlets for your electronics.

  • Apartments or Houses
    With an empty house, you get to have the comfort and familiarity of your home mixed with the thrill of being somewhere different. There are plenty of options like this in Twentynine Palms, and with good reason. There is a fun mix of bohemian, country, and ranch-style homes to choose from. If this sounds like the right choice for you, consider booking a tile house for your next Twentynine Palms event.