Find the best film and event venues for rent in Cincinnati, OH

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  • 1M +
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  • 43
    Locations in Cincinnati, OH
  • 4.8/5
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  • $148 /hr /hr
    Average cost

Top venues in Cincinnati, OH

Frequently Asked Questions about Cincinnati, OH venues

Have a question about venues in Cincinnati, OH?
  • What is the price range for locations in Cincinnati?
    Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but rates generally range from $50 to $375 per hour for spaces in Cincinnati.
  • What is the average hourly minimum for locations in Cincinnati?
    The average minimum booking time is 2 hours for locations in Cincinnati.
  • What are the most popular locations in Cincinnati?
    The top 3 locations in Cincinnati, OH right now are Pre-lit Green Screen & White Cyc Wall, PURPLE HAZE and Modern OTR Creative Space.
  • How many locations are available for rent in Cincinnati?
    There are currently 43 locations available in Cincinnati.
  • Which location types are most popular in Cincinnati?
    Cincinnati is a popular spot for House, Mansion and Film Studio locations.
  • How many location types are available in Cincinnati?
    Right now, there are at least 25 of different types of locations in Cincinnati.
  • How do I book a Cincinnati location on Giggster?
    When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.

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Find unique spaces for rent in Cincinnati, OH

About Cincinnati

Cincinnati is a city in Ohio located right on the Ohio River. As the largest metropolitan area in Ohio, it has plenty to offer for those coming and going as well as those who live there. The city itself is known as an art hub with plenty of theaters, a thriving Arts District, and plenty of concerts and event venues to take part in. Being right on the river gives it plenty of attractions to see as well for those that enjoy the outdoors.

It is also well-known for its sports teams as well as its 19th-century style architecture and many historic homes and buildings. With 300 thousand inhabitants, the city and surrounding area have plenty of hustle and bustle for those that enjoy it but also a nice mild side that includes niche art, street vendors, and other local fares. There is plenty to see and do when you're done prepping for your next big production, planning that wedding, or getting ready for that big company retreat.

In terms of climate, you're looking at a mild location with all four seasons to be accounted for. While snowy winters are common, temperatures typically range between the low 20s and the mid-80s meaning that it is comfortable most of the year outside but there is the occasional snowstorm or exceedingly hot day during the summer. You can expect rainfall about seven to 10 days a month and high humidity due to its location by the water.

Attractions in Cincinnati

In a city as beautiful and iconic as Cincinnati, it would be difficult to stay standing around and do nothing on your days off or when you have some free time. Thankfully though no matter what your answer, there's a little bit of something for everyone in Cincinnati from stage plays to theater productions and sports games to their Cincinnati chili, which has become a local favorite of foodies everywhere. No matter how much time you have or what you're looking to do, you'll find something for you in Cincinnati.

  • Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
    If you love nature and animals, the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden is the perfect place to go visit when you have time. The zoo itself features a wide variety of animals such as rhinos, hippos, elephants, and even butterflies. The garden regularly holds events and has educational programs for children as well as adults and there's always something new to see every time you visit.

  • Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum
    While a cemetery may not seem like the best place to visit, the Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum is anything but an ordinary place. The lush greenery all around is perfect for exploring and the architecture is stunning as well. The monuments and mausoleums in the cemetery are sights to behold on their own, but it's also a perfect place to spend a quiet summer moment reflecting on the day or just relaxing and enjoying yourself.

  • Cincinnati Museum of Art
    The Cincinnati Art Museum is an all-inclusive gallery that features artists of color and cultural events all year long. Not only do they have a fantastic collection of artworks, but they regularly hold events for children, teens, adults, and even teachers to broaden their horizons. The museum even has fundraisers and community outreach events on a regular basis. If you're a fan of art and want to be a part of the community then this is definitely a must-visit spot.

Production Locations in Cincinnati

There are tons of different things to manage when you are trying to put together any time for production. While all of them are equally important, one of the things that you shouldn't forget is having the proper production location. After all, the backdrop can make all the difference in whether or not your production is successful from a regular podcast interview to filming the next great movie. Sometimes the setting is the most important piece to the puzzle. From stunning scenery to quiet out-of-the-way locations, there's something for everyone to find in the city of Cincinnati.

  • Shopping Mall Space
    One option for a location to handle your production needs Is to rent out some of the shopping malls available in Cincinnati. Shopping mall space gives you plenty of room to work with and lots of parking and other amenities. That way, you don't have to focus on those things and can instead focus on your production.

  • Event Spaces
    If you need a bit more space but don't need it to be quite as large as a shopping mall, then perhaps you might try one of the many studios and event spaces that are available. These offer great locations for an intimate interview or other sessions without having to worry about a ton of extra cost.

  • The Lamp Factory
    If you're going for that industrial look for the next filming project then perhaps the Lamp Factory is a good choice. What now stands as an abandoned warehouse space was originally an actual lamp factory at one time and it offers plenty of open space to do whatever you want inside.

Meeting and Event Venues in Cincinnati

Being put in charge of a major event is usually a badge of honor and it can be a lot of fun getting to plan all the details and figure out how things are going to go. However, it is important that everything goes well and that you pick the right venue for the right type of event. Whether you need a large showroom for a business seminar or a small intimate place to gather for dinner with friends, the choice you make will have an impact on the entire event. Thankfully, Cincinnati has plenty of different options no matter what your taste is or no matter what style of event you're trying to hold.

  • Restaurant Space
    Restaurants can be a perfect way to hold a new event because you get food and atmosphere all in one place. Plus, many of the restaurant spaces available are near other amenities that your guests might need so you won't have to worry about getting them situated before or after the event.

  • Theater Space
    If you're trying to hold a seminar or some type of educational event then theater space is a likely option. This gives you plenty of seating and space to hold lectures or presentations without having to worry about everyone being cramped in or not having enough room for a large crowd.

  • Historic Library Event Venue
    If you want an event space that will truly have people remembering the next day then why not hold your next event in a Historic Library? Not only does this event venue have all the charm you would expect but it also has plenty of space for any type of event you might want to hold. You can bet people are going to be talking about this one around the water cooler the next day.