  • Min booking length

    3 hr minimum

  • Max attendees

    85 people

  • Cast & Crew

    85 people

About the Space

GET READY FOR YOUR BEST EXPERIENCE!! When you host an event on this luxury yacht, you feel as though you are the owner of a magnificent vessel, built for beauty and pleasure. You have at your command an experienced captain and dedicated crew to ensure smooth sailing and fulfill your expectations for safety and comfort. Custom-built 65′ luxury cruising yacht, US Coast Guard certified for up to 85 guests. It is fully renovated and enhanced this year to give you the feeling of a totally new boat while retaining its classic design and innovative architecture. Our luxury option offers over 1,500 square feet of entertainment space on two decks with newly-constructed upscale amenities. Composed by lower enclosed main deck, with flexible seating arrangement, open social/dance floor, two luxury restrooms, and a full bar. The top open deck with expansive 360-degree views of San Diego Bay along with an exclusive VIP area. Fully customizable LED lighting throughout the interior and exterior of the yacht An integrated state of the art multimedia system for Bluetooth entertainment Great outdoor stage area for DJ or Live Music Add 20% to booking total to cover all taxes, port fees & gratuity Holiday rate is 1.5 x standard rates. View the Pricing page for our 4th of July packages


  • Motor
Instant Book $1500/hr 3 hr. minimum
Please select start & end times
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Total hours: 0
Cast & Crew:
Change the booking start to at least 24 hours later so that it is confirmed automatically. If you still want to schedule the booking less than 24 hours before it starts, it can only be sent as a booking request.
Cancel for free within 24 hours
This helps us cover transaction fees and provide support for your booking.
Security deposit will be held 48 hours prior to your booking’s start date. If we are unable to authorize a hold, your booking may be subject to the terms of our cancellation policy.
Giggster takes a 19% commission that helps cover the costs of platform maintenance, development, marketing and 24/7 support. Commission percent is lower for bookings made under partner programs.

Response rating: Excellent
Response time: A few hours


  • What's the maximum attendees I can have at this location?

    Dan allows 85 attendees on location

  • What types of activities are allowed at this location?

    Dan allows production and events

Member since March 2024

Response rating: Excellent
Response time: A few hours

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Exact location provided after booking.

from $1500 /hr