Find Affordable Wedding venues for rent in Austin, TX

Search and book thousands of unique Affordable Wedding venues to rent for your event in Austin, TX.
  • 1M +
    Users on platform
  • 160
    Locations in Austin, TX
  • 4.8/5
    Rating on
  • $359 /hr /hr
    Average cost

Top Affordable Wedding venues in Austin, TX

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Frequently Asked Questions about Affordable Wedding venues

Have a question about Affordable Wedding in Austin, TX?
  • How much space do I need for a wedding venue in Austin?
    Plan for about six square feet per person for standing guests, so a 100-person wedding needs roughly 600 square feet. Buffets and round tables need extra space, while seated dinners and rectangular tables are more compact.
  • What kind of affordable venues are available for a wedding in Austin?
    Austin provides inexpensive venues suitable for various styles, ranging from historic community halls to repurposed warehouses. Check Giggster for cost-efficient barns, intimate garden spaces, and charming local restaurants with competitive hourly rates.
  • What services come with affordable Austin wedding venues?
    Reasonably priced venues often provide basic setup and cleanup services, as well as security guards and parking attendants. While some have in-house bartenders and caterers you can take advantage of, others allow you to bring in your vendors.
  • Which Austin neighborhoods are ideal for affordable wedding venues?
    South Congress attracts event planners with its affordable artistic venues and local charm, while budget-conscious couples love East Austin's converted warehouses. Check out the modern community spaces in Mueller and the reasonably-priced historic mansions in Hyde Park.
  • How can guests travel to wedding venues in Austin?
    Austin-Bergstrom International Airport is just 7 miles from downtown. Budget-savvy guests can take the $12 airport shuttle and then use a ride-share service to the venue. Most locations offer free parking, which is convenient for those driving to the wedding location. For large parties, group shuttle rentals are a cost-effective option worth considering.
  • Do I need my own production or event insurance in Austin?
    Yes. All renters are required to carry Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage insurance with liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
  • What protection plans are available for bookings in Austin on Giggster?
    Giggster offers Damage Protection coverage that you can add to a booking at checkout. Learn more about Giggster's Damage Protection coverage.
  • What types of locations can I book in Austin?
    You can choose from 42 types! Just search for locations in Austin at, then click 'Filters' to look for something specific.
  • How many Affordable Wedding venues are available in Austin?
    Right now, there are 160 Affordable Wedding venues available in Austin.
  • What payment methods does Giggster accept for Austin bookings?
    You can pay for your booking with a credit card, or with ACH or wire transfer for bookings over $4k.
  • What is the cancellation policy for Austin guests on Giggster?
    Refund options vary, based on when the booking is canceled. Learn more about Giggster's cancellation and refund policy.
  • What are the cleaning and safety policies for Austin locations on Giggster?
    Now more than ever, your health and safety is our number one priority. We've outlined specific health and safety requirements for both hosts and guests. Learn more about Giggster's COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures.
  • What locations available near Austin?
    You'll find up to 42 different types of locations in Austin. Just start a search at and narrow things down with the 'Filter' option.
  • Is there an extra cost to add more attendees to my Austin booking?
    Yes. Pricing tiers are based on group size. For example, if you booked a space for a group of 1-5 for $30/hr, the price per person is $6/hr. Each additional person would increase the rate by $6/hr.
  • How much are average location rentals in Austin?
    Rental rates vary with the type and features of the location, but the average rate in Austin is $359 per hour.
  • Why should I choose Giggster over other platforms offering rentals in Austin?
    Giggster's got your back — and we know our stuff. Our Customer Support team is knowledgeable and accessible, we offer white glove Select service to help you find the perfect location, and we're experts on the unique needs of production teams.
  • What is the price range for Affordable Wedding venues in Austin, TX?
    Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but generally a 1-hour booking will be in the range of $45 to $5,000.
  • Which Affordable Wedding venues are most popular in Austin, TX in 2025?
    The top 3 Affordable Wedding venues in Austin, TX right now are Modern Church Sanctuary, Golfinity and Sans Bar.
  • How do I book a Austin location on Giggster?
    When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.

Reviews for Affordable Wedding venues in Austin, TX

Salman K.
Our shoot went really well! Loved the different backdrops and props. Can’t wait to book it again!
Nathaniel M.
Absolutely incredible studio space! I love shooting here, all the lights, gear and backdrops I need for excellent studio photography. My models feel comfortable and safe here. I can’t recommend this place more!
Christopher M.
Very nice location and extremely helpful and friendly host.
Danica D.
Love this space so much! This was my second time using the studio and it was perfect for my shoot. Easy to find and plenty of parking.
Changing Lives P.
Great location for shooting a video. Thanks to the host who is very accommodating.
Hamish M.
While we only needed to use a side alley to shoot a small in-car dialogue scene, we are so glad we had the chance to do business with Nina. So far, she wins the prize for most responsive, proactive and kind Giggster host. She made everything seamless and efficient for us, despite a last-minute booking. I highly recommend this space, and I have to imagine her other spaces are just as great.
Jeremy W.
Wonderfully beautiful space! Perfect for our photoshoot. Highly recommend.
Eric B.
This was an amazing space and Nick was a great host. Would absolutely book again!

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Find Affordable Wedding venues in Austin, TX

Your wedding day happens once in your life, so it should only be hosted in a fantastic location that will make you reminisce the memories. Imagine exchanging your vows in a fairy tale scenery near the country hills with cinematic beauty. Being the epitome of Texas music, progressive culture, and unparalleled scenic beauty, Austin is an amazing place for making memories and capturing the romance and love story on your special day.

The Giggster app has made finding the perfect wedding venue easier for people in Austin. With the vast range of venues in the list, you can find your dream wedding site taking into account a friendly budget and interior design. For those who envision a small or extensive wedding, an indoor hall, or an outdoor venue, Giggster offers options for locating the perfect venue for your wedding celebrations or the special moment.

Why Choose Giggster for Affordable Wedding Locations in Austin

  • Want diverse setting options to choose from? Giggster offers wedding venues in Austin with diverse themes from modern to barn-style homes and gardens to vintage mansions, serving to be wonderful backdrops and complementing your wedding dress.

  • Want a wedding surrounded by nature? Austin is home to multiple nature-filled sceneries. From gardens to vineyards and lakes, Giggster provides a list of beautiful venues to complete your love story.

  • Want to choose between an outdoor space or an indoor hall for your wedding? Giggster helps you decide and ensure the right choice for your wedding spot, considering the comfort of your wedding guests, by providing you with a list of all kinds of event spaces you prefer.

  • Are you worried about the capacity of your guests and the availability of the venue? Giggster provides a list of reliable venues in Austin with complete details about capacity and cost per hour and connects you to the venue manager if you need any other information.

160 Amazing Affordable Wedding Locations in Austin

Exceptional Variety & Quality: Is it the quality and variety that matters to you? Giggster offers 160 high-quality and varied event spaces that accommodate weddings for you to pick and make it the spot for your wonderful celebration.

Hassle-Free Booking: Are you stressing about booking and looking for multiple venues? Giggster provides you with a list of wonderful and well-accommodating venues—narrow down your options by using custom filters offering you options starting from just $45/hour depending on your gathering size, decor, and other factors.

24-Hour Free Cancellation Policy: Need to change your wedding date or venue? You can easily cancel your booking within 24 hours of confirmation, provided the reservation was made at least 48 hours before the event.

Platform Protections: Are there chances of unfavorable circumstances that are likely to happen on your special day? With the optional packages offered by Giggster, you need not worry about such unforeseen events as they cover event liability, accidental property damage, or event cancellation.

Pros and Cons of Affordable Weddings in Austin

Found a venue that you like? Before you hit "Reserve," make sure to be aware of the possible cons of hosting an affordable wedding in Austin.


  • If you're a fan of live music and art, then Austin's unique culture will definitely make the wedding fun for you and your guests.

  • With a diverse range of modern and indoor to vintage and outdoor venues, Austin has everything necessary for couples with various tastes and varying budgets.

  • The local cuisine here offers the sheer quality and variety of Austin’s food. The delicious BBQ, food trucks, doughnuts, and other edible specialties make the party even more entertaining.

  • Austin offers easy accessibility as it is located near a large international airport and well-linked to highways that make it convenient for the guests to reach your wedding ceremony.


  • Although there are many cheap wedding venues for you to choose from in Austin, some premium and luxury services can put a dent on your budget, especially in the peak wedding seasons.

  • Limited availability of venues on weekends and peak seasons can be a challenge which can be solved with careful planning.

  • Due to the city being a vacation point and business hub, the traffic in downtown Austin can be an inconvenience for the wedding guests to arrive on time.

  • On weekends, pubs and nightclubs in Austin can be an inconvenience due to the noise coming from the party.

The Best Type of Venue for Your Affordable Wedding in Austin

Whether you like a venue with beautiful views of water bodies, a historic event space, or a spacious home, you can find many affordable wedding venues in Austin, Texas that would suit your idea of a perfect wedding.

Rustic Modern Homes – A Blend of Cozy and Functional. For a cute intimate wedding, Austin has a variety of farmhouses that can be found on Giggster. With a house to decorate and a spacious area to have fun traditions with your loved ones, you can enjoy your day with your other half.

Gardens and Outdoor Spaces – Natural Decor. Exchanging your vows under large oak trees seems like a fairy tale, which can become your reality in Austin with garden venues and nature spaces being accessible. Nature is a beauty in itself, so you won't need to put up so many decorations to make your day look special.

Ballrooms and Event Halls – Elegance and Royalty. If you dream of having a royal setup at your reception, then ballrooms in Austin would fit right to the spot. With high ceilings, intricate designs, and vintage furniture, you can have that royal dance and make your dream come true.

Vineyards and Rural Retreats – Classical Country Ambiance. Your wedding celebration is an occasion where your friends and family come together, spend time like the good old days, and celebrate the happiness of the start of your new life. Tying the knot with your beloved in a stunning vineyard or countryside farm will be one of the most beautiful core memories of your life.

Rooftop Venues – Toast Under the Skyline. Rooftop venues are always refreshing and often come with stunning views. Having a skyline backdrop in your wedding photos gives cinematic effects while offering a natural ambiance for the guests in your ceremony.

Planning Your Affordable Wedding in Austin

While organizing a wedding event is expensive, there are ways you can make your wedding as perfect as you wantat a much more affordable price.

Set a Definite Budget – Setting up a budget is the first thing that needs to be done in planning an affordable wedding in Austin. Make a list of the items that fit your budget, including the type of venues according to your event theme, number of guests, event space, food, bridal suite, photography, music, and entertainment.

Utilize Giggster and Local Vendor Services – While the Giggster network covers the hassle of looking for the best-suited venues for you in Austin, the other necessities can be taken care of by local vendors. When you do your research early, you can find services like decor, catering, and entertainment that you need for your wedding at low prices.

Guest Comfort and Event Management Strategies – Ask the venue manager if they have any special packages and services on specific days, and consider planning your wedding around those dates. For the hot summers and chilly winters of Austin, it's important to look for air conditioners or heating facilities.

Sustainable Choices – If you want to go eco-friendly, try renting dresses and cutlery, arranging native plants, and choosing to host the wedding in the daytime to reduce the use of artificial light.

How to Save Money on Your Wedding in Austin

Plan your wedding during the off-season.

Planning your wedding on weekdays and off-seasons will get you low prices on venues and food catering services. It will also mean less traffic and more parking spaces for you and your guests. Also, you will have various open venues just for you to decide as people don’t usually book during January to March and summer seasons like June and July.

Opt for a casual venue and local vendors.

Make your wedding more exciting by renting home backyards or other beautiful outdoor venues from Giggster. With a large open space to work on, you will have much more freedom to make your wedding a memorable one. Local florists, photographers, and musicians might offer you your desired wedding setup at a low price and help you save money.

Create digital invitations.

Instead of printing invitations, go for digital invites and send them to as many people with little to no cost. There are plenty of websites that can let you create digital wedding invitations, or have a creative friend or family member make them for you.

Austin Affordable Weddings with Giggster

Located in Hill Country, Austin proves to be a beautiful prime location for tying the knot with your partner. From East Austin to Central Austin, the Giggster app sorts out the best locations in a single platform. Make your wedding a beautiful occasion with the help of Giggster's customized venue listings and services.