Find Barn Wedding venues for rent in Atlanta, GA

Search and book thousands of unique Barn Wedding venues to rent for your event in Atlanta, GA.
  • 1M +
    Users on platform
  • 10
    Locations in Atlanta, GA
  • 4.8/5
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  • $125 /hr /hr
    Average cost

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Frequently Asked Questions about Barn Wedding venues

Have a question about Barn Wedding in Atlanta, GA?
  • Do I need my own production or event insurance in Atlanta?
    Yes. All renters are required to carry Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage insurance with liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
  • What protection plans are available for bookings in Atlanta on Giggster?
    Giggster offers Damage Protection coverage that you can add to a booking at checkout. Learn more about Giggster's Damage Protection coverage.
  • What types of locations can I book in Atlanta?
    You can choose from 42 types! Just search for locations in Atlanta at, then click 'Filters' to look for something specific.
  • How many Barn Wedding venues are available in Atlanta?
    Right now, there are 10 Barn Wedding venues available in Atlanta.
  • What payment methods does Giggster accept for Atlanta bookings?
    You can pay for your booking with a credit card, or with ACH or wire transfer for bookings over $4k.
  • What is the cancellation policy for Atlanta guests on Giggster?
    Refund options vary, based on when the booking is canceled. Learn more about Giggster's cancellation and refund policy.
  • What are the cleaning and safety policies for Atlanta locations on Giggster?
    Now more than ever, your health and safety is our number one priority. We've outlined specific health and safety requirements for both hosts and guests. Learn more about Giggster's COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures.
  • What locations available near Atlanta?
    You'll find up to 42 different types of locations in Atlanta. Just start a search at and narrow things down with the 'Filter' option.
  • Is there an extra cost to add more attendees to my Atlanta booking?
    Yes. Pricing tiers are based on group size. For example, if you booked a space for a group of 1-5 for $30/hr, the price per person is $6/hr. Each additional person would increase the rate by $6/hr.
  • How much are average location rentals in Atlanta?
    Rental rates vary with the type and features of the location, but the average rate in Atlanta is $125 per hour.
  • Why should I choose Giggster over other platforms offering rentals in Atlanta?
    Giggster's got your back — and we know our stuff. Our Customer Support team is knowledgeable and accessible, we offer white glove Select service to help you find the perfect location, and we're experts on the unique needs of production teams.
  • What is the price range for Barn Wedding venues in Atlanta, GA?
    Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but generally a 1-hour booking will be in the range of $50 to $300.
  • How do I book a Atlanta location on Giggster?
    When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.

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Find Barn Wedding venues in Atlanta, GA

About Atlanta

Atlanta is the capital of Georgia and is located in the southeastern region of the state. This vibrant city is known for its history and culture, offering a wealth of attractions such as museums, galleries, parks, and entertainment venues. The climate in Atlanta is humid and subtropical with hot summers and mild winters.

Weddings in Atlanta are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique atmosphere and scenic beauty. Barn weddings are especially popular in Atlanta because they provide an intimate setting with stunning views of nature. Couples can choose from a variety of barns located around the city; these venues have a rustic charm along with luxurious amenities like chandeliers, fireplaces, and grand staircases for picturesque photographs.

Atlanta is also close to other fascinating towns, which means there are more venue options in case couples are looking for a less traditional wedding day. Furthermore, the city offers an abundance of activities to enjoy after the ceremony, such as outdoor concerts and festivals or downtown shopping experiences, to make the event even more special.

Barn Wedding Options in Atlanta

  • Event Planners
    When it comes to barn weddings, event planners are your best friend. They will be able to help you navigate the logistics of booking a venue, securing vendors, and ensuring that everything goes off without a hitch on your big day.

  • Catering
    Catering is another important consideration when it comes to barn weddings. You'll want to make sure that the caterer that you hire on your big day is experienced in working with the unique challenges that come with a barn wedding, such as power and temperature control.

  • Decor
    Last but not least, don't forget to take into account the decor. Barn weddings provide a blank canvas for you to really let your creative juices flow. From string lights and vintage signs to hay bales and mason jars, there are endless possibilities for creating the perfect atmosphere for your big day.

Barn Wedding Vendors in Atlanta

  • Ria Events and Design
    Ria Events and Design is event planning company based in Atlanta, GA that offers a wide range of full-service packages. After working in the events industry for over 5 years, Ria Mushfiq and her team have established positive relationships with vendors, venues, and couples alike and possess the know-how in order to create the perfect wedding day. Taking pride in their experience and attention to detail, Ria Events and Design makes sure that the bride and groom are satisfied and that all guests are taken care of.

  • Hungry Peach
    Established in 2009 by Kelly Moore and family, the Hungry Peach has been a staple in the Atlanta catering scene for over a decade. Known in the community for their delicious food and outstanding service, the company provides customers with a memorable dining experience through their gourmet meals. Hungry Peach also offers a variety of catering options for parties and events, including weddings.

  • Brianne McMullan Events
    Brianne McMullan Events has a reputation of leading and building strong relationships, which is why the weddings they produce are not only flawlessly executed but also unique to each couple. Believing that planning and executing a milestone event is an honor in itself, they focus a lot of their energy on establishing trust and experience from day one, thereby making the planning process easier. Brianne McMullan and her team take pride in the relationship that they build with their clients and their ability to make your big day a memorable experience.

Pros and Cons of Barn Weddings in Atlanta

Barn weddings can be an excellent option for couples that want a more unique celebration. With the right venue, you can create a one-of-a-kind atmosphere that will make your big day unforgettable. However, it’s important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a barn wedding in Atlanta before you finalize your decision.


  • A barn wedding is an ideal setting for a rustic, outdoor event. The natural beauty and charm of a barn provide a cozy atmosphere that is sure to make your guests feel at ease.

  • Many barn wedding venues are located on stunning acres of land with stunning views and plenty of space for fun activities like hay rides, corn hole games and more.

  • Barns are typically cheaper than other venues, allowing you to allocate your budget to other expenses or save money altogether.


  • While barns may be a cheaper venue option, they can also come with added costs such as cleaning and setup fees.

  • Barn weddings tend to be informal and laidback, which might not be ideal for couples looking for a more formal affair.

  • Reception halls in barns can often be loud due to their large size. Thus, it is important to consider noise ordinances before booking the venue.

Tips on How to Organize Barn Weddings in Atlanta

For those who are enticed by the captivating atmosphere of a barn wedding, Atlanta is an ideal destination to turn your vision into reality. Planning this type of event should be approached with some consideration; here are a few tips to make it a truly magical experience!

  • Before your special event, ensure that you have ample space. Barns are generally confined areas, so be sure to make room for everyone attending the gathering.

  • Be sure to examine the lighting situation of the place. Barns can be quite dim inside, so you must ensure that there is the right amount of light for your visitors to see one another easily.

  • Be aware of the noise level in the venue as barns can be quite noisy. You’ll need to make sure your guests can still hear each other talk without having to shout.

  • Last but not the least, don't forget the food! Barn weddings are usually quite informal, so you'll need to make sure your menu is just as relaxed.

With these tips in mind, you're sure to have a barn wedding that's truly unforgettable.

Famous Locations in Atlanta

  • Cascade Springs Nature Preserve
    In 1864, the Union Army fought at Utoy Creek against Confederates during the Civil War, with the battle taking place on the site now known as Cascade Springs Nature Preserve. This 135-acre preserve is one of the oldest forests found within Atlanta’s city limits and is a popular hiking trail for both locals and tourists. Cascade Road is home to not only the historical Utoy Creek Park, but also pieces of the old "Sandtown Road”, an ancient road used by Native Americans. At the preserve, visitors can see witness remains from the Battle of Utoy Creek as well as bits of structures that existed during the Civil War.

  • The Crypt of Civilization
    The Crypt of Civilization is the first time capsule designed to be opened on a specific future date. That date is May 28, 8113. If we go with the theory that the Egyptian Calendar, established in 4241 BC, was humanity's first fixed-date calendar, then 1936 when the crypt was designed would make up for 50% of all recorded history. The crypt is a tiny, sealed room with a welded-shut stainless steel door. Its contents, which are listed on the crypt's official website, include microfilms of 800 non-fiction books and 200 pieces of fiction. The idea for the crypt came from Dr. Thornwell Jacobs, who served as president of Oglethorpe University from 1906 to 1922.

  • 54 Columns
    When "54 Columns" by Sol LeWitt was installed in Atlanta's Old Fourth Ward in 1999, it sparked a heated debate among locals. Some saw the concrete columns as a symbol of the neighborhood's impending gentrification, while others simply couldn't understand why anyone would consider the minimalist construction to be art. Nearly 20 years later, the debate surrounding "54 Columns" continues. However, there's one thing that everyone can agree on: the piece is definitely a conversation starter. Whether you love it or hate it, there's no denying that "54 Columns" has made an impact on the city of Atlanta.