Boudoir moderne à Paris

  • Min booking length

    1 hr minimum

  • Max attendees

    80 people

  • Cast & Crew

    80 people

About the Space

A l’étage du 153 on plonge dans l’univers romantico-jazzy des années folles. Canapés en velour, malle scellée en guise de table, la lumière y est tamisée et l’ambiance chaleureuse. C’est dans ce Boudoir qu’on se retrouve pour apprécier une compagnie plaisante ou partager un moment secret. Sur un air digne des Cotton Club Days c’est un Old Fashionned qu’ils sirotent, c’est un Italian Sensuality qu’elles demandent. Guidé par les sens, sous le craquellement du parquet, des fragrances des cocktails et des couleurs chaudes des bougies on s’enivre des moments agréables porté par ce lieu intime si proche des speakeasys des nuits clandestines.


  • Style French


  • Air Conditioning
  • Wifi


  • Bar Counter
  • Private Room
Instant Book $100/hr 1 hr. minimum
Please select start & end times
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Change the booking start to at least 24 hours later so that it is confirmed automatically. If you still want to schedule the booking less than 24 hours before it starts, it can only be sent as a booking request.
Cancel for free within 24 hours
This helps us cover transaction fees and provide support for your booking.
Security deposit will be held 48 hours prior to your booking’s start date. If we are unable to authorize a hold, your booking may be subject to the terms of our cancellation policy.
Giggster takes a 19% commission that helps cover the costs of platform maintenance, development, marketing and 24/7 support. Commission percent is lower for bookings made under partner programs.

Response rating: Very Good
Response time: Within a day


  • What's the maximum attendees I can have at this location?

    Cloé allows 80 attendees on location

  • What types of activities are allowed at this location?

    Cloé allows production, events and meetings

Member since June 2022

Response rating: Very Good
Response time: Within a day

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Exact location provided after booking.

from $100 /hr