Find Filming locations for rent in Liverpool, UK

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  • 1M +
    Users on platform
  • 63
    Locations in Liverpool, UK
  • 4.8/5
    Rating on
  • £98 /hr /hr
    Average cost

Top Filming locations in Liverpool, UK

Frequently Asked Questions about Filming locations

Have a question about Filming in Liverpool, UK?
  • Do I need my own production or event insurance in Liverpool?
    Yes. All renters are required to carry Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage insurance with liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
  • What protection plans are available for bookings in Liverpool on Giggster?
    Giggster offers Damage Protection coverage that you can add to a booking at checkout. Learn more about Giggster's Damage Protection coverage.
  • What types of locations can I book in Liverpool?
    You can choose from 42 types! Just search for locations in Liverpool at, then click 'Filters' to look for something specific.
  • How many Filming locations are available in Liverpool?
    Right now, there are 63 Filming locations available in Liverpool.
  • What payment methods does Giggster accept for Liverpool bookings?
    You can pay for your booking with a credit card, or with ACH or wire transfer for bookings over $4k.
  • What is the cancellation policy for Liverpool guests on Giggster?
    Refund options vary, based on when the booking is canceled. Learn more about Giggster's cancellation and refund policy.
  • What are the cleaning and safety policies for Liverpool locations on Giggster?
    Now more than ever, your health and safety is our number one priority. We've outlined specific health and safety requirements for both hosts and guests. Learn more about Giggster's COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures.
  • What locations available near Liverpool?
    You'll find up to 42 different types of locations in Liverpool. Just start a search at and narrow things down with the 'Filter' option.
  • Is there an extra cost to add more attendees to my Liverpool booking?
    Yes. Pricing tiers are based on group size. For example, if you booked a space for a group of 1-5 for £30/hr, the price per person is £6/hr. Each additional person would increase the rate by £6/hr.
  • How much are average location rentals in Liverpool?
    Rental rates vary with the type and features of the location, but the average rate in Liverpool is £98 per hour.
  • Why should I choose Giggster over other platforms offering rentals in Liverpool?
    Giggster's got your back — and we know our stuff. Our Customer Support team is knowledgeable and accessible, we offer white glove Select service to help you find the perfect location, and we're experts on the unique needs of production teams.
  • What is the price range for Filming locations in Liverpool, UK?
    Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but generally a 1-hour booking will be in the range of £25 to £500.
  • Which Filming locations are most popular in Liverpool, UK in 2025?
  • How do I book a Liverpool location on Giggster?
    When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.

Reviews for Filming locations in Liverpool, UK

Kessie B.
The space was nice. The photos are deceiving in regards to the size. The video instructions to get in the building compared to the written instructions were confusing. But we made do and had a great shoot.
Kris B.
Brendan was amazing to work with. The space is beautiful and will 100% book again
Derek D.
Egg Heaven was a fantastic location to shoot at. The owner, Mike, was incredibly lovely and very accommodating to our project. He let us scout the location before booking it and even allowed us to get some test footage. The diner has loads of character that really enhanced our story, and Mike was kind enough to let us use anything in the location as a prop (e.g. forks, knives, glasses, plates, aprons, mugs). The location even allowed us to use their silverware for our meals and took care of washing it for us. Such a wonderful spot. Would recommend it to anyone.
Johanna F.
We had a wonderful experience filming at this location, and we enjoyed working with Adam and his team! Our shoot went smoothly, no issues with the location or logistics. The location is very nice and worked perfectly for what we needed to film. I recommend this space to anyone looking for a warehouse. We hope to have the opportunity to film here and work with Adam and his team again!
Morpheus R.
It was a great experience! Even better than I thought it would be!
Gabrya B.
Would definitely recommend this space for any filming needs. Host was so nice and accommodating!
Gabrya B.
The whole team was very accommodating! I will definitely be booking again. Space was clean and the perfect location for filming needs!
Sonya G.
Very nice studio. We were able to film all of our scenes. I highly recommend.

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Find Filming locations in Liverpool, UK

About Liverpool

Liverpool is home to the county of Lancashire, England. A metropolitan borough, Liverpool statistically is the 10th largest district in England and the 5th largest within the entirety of the UK by population. The city holds 2.24 million “scousers”, which is slang, for a person who comes from Liverpool. To accompany the large population and city, Liverpool also holds an international airport and a massive transportation system managed by Merseytravel.

King John founded the port of Liverpool in 1207. Not only that, but he designed the original streets as well. Interestingly, they were laid out in an “H”. The original streets of Liverpool (by modern name) include Water Street, Castle Street, Chapel Street, Dale Street, High Street, Tithebarn Street and Old Hall Street.

Taking a look at the architectural landmarks, they span centuries, incorporating the design of Neo-gothic, Roman Catholic and Victorian buildings. Liverpool as a city expanded greatly back in the 18th century as a result of its trade with the Americas.

Liverpool is a city rich in history, with a significant amount of people and a well-attuned transportation system, making it perfect for finding a filming location!

Filming Location options in Liverpool

Creating a high-quality short film or movie takes many minds coming together from all different angles. Not only do ideas come into play, but the camera, lighting, and sound do as well. Let’s take a deep dive into what it takes to make the most of your filming location.

  • The Equipment
    Sourcing Equipment is a very important factor in finding your filming location. Without the equipment, there will be no film. If you don’t have your own equipment (or maybe you need a few extra accessories in your collection) finding a nearby shop that has experienced filmers would be of great help in your journey to finding a filming location.

  • Set Designer/Costume Designer
    When creating the filming atmosphere, not only do you need to have the set in mind, but you also need to have an idea of what the people in your film will be wearing. Hiring a Set and Costume Designer to communicate your ideas to would be a great use of delegating responsibilities, so you can focus on the most important part - the creative process!

  • Learning More
    There is always room for improvement! Whether you already know the many facets of filming or you are a complete novice, learning more is always a great idea. There is a wide range of professionals in Liverpool who offer courses and lessons from behind the camera or on the set.

  • Creative Director
    Hiring a creative director helps the whole project come together seamlessly. Creative directors keep a positive working environment, work on the financials, deadlines and marketing tactics for your film. They are the glue that holds everything together.

Filming Location Companies in Liverpool

  • The Real Camera Co.
    The Real Camera Co. is a team of 9 people who have been in the game since 2001. Having worked all over Liverpool, this shop holds the most diverse and largest photographic equipment offerings in the UK. They buy, sell, provide part-exchange, repair and maintenance. Anything you need, the Real Camera Co. shop has got!

  • Wilkinson Cameras
    Not only do Wilkinson Cameras offer camera parts, accessories & more, but they also offer learning courses. If you are new to the camera and film world or perhaps want to upgrade your knowledge a bit, Wilkinson Cameras is the place for you. They host workshops, events, courses and sell books on-site to help nurture filmmakers of all skill levels.

  • Isabella Friend, Costume and Set Designer
    Isabella Friend is a recent graduate of 2021 in Theatre and Performance Design from Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. During her schooling, Isabella became qualified in Live performance, film and creative direction. She has been quite busy after leaving school and is building experience in all sectors of the film world. To top off the long list of Isabella’s qualifications, she is also trained in fireworks and pyrotechnics!

Pros and Cons of Filming Locations in Liverpool


  • Accessibility
    In Liverpool, the distance between major hot spots in the city is always walkable. If by chance it is raining, or you are not up for walking, the city holds a very well-connected transportation system via busses.

  • A City that “Has it All”
    From art galleries, bars, museums and old historic buildings to music and rich sporting culture, it’s clear there isn’t anything Liverpool has not got. On your journey of finding the perfect filming location, Liverpool has no lack of accommodations.

  • Air Quality
    Even though Liverpool is one of the biggest cities in the UK by population, the cities air quality remains very good in contrast. There are no health concerns as far as air quality, adding to the quality of your filming locations.

  • Film Making
    A large percentage of residents in Liverpool describe themselves as filmmakers or in the film industry. This is very beneficial for you as a filmmaker, as you won’t struggle to find peers who share the same interest as you. This creates the perfect opportunity to engage in socialization, new friendships and opportunities with like-minded individuals.

  • Rich Student Life
    Home to 5 different Universities, Liverpools student life is thriving. Not only do the schools attract many different people, but the high number of students has also made a desirable impact on affordable living. Living comfortably while gaining the keys to your future? It’s not hard to see why so many filmmakers thrive in this community.


  • Wet Cold
    When Liverpool’s weather sinks to the colder half of the year, it doesn’t just get cold – it gets wet cold! This is due to the cities location being near the coast. If you are not from England or are perhaps from a drier part of England, this could be a weather shock, as the wet cold can have you chilled to your bones.

  • Tourists
    The amount of tourists that flow through Liverpool each year is climbing at a rapid pace. From 2016’s just 671,000 tourists to 2017’s whopping 839,000 per year, the rise is definitely intensifying. Adding that on top of the regular 2.24 million Liverpool residents, that is a whole lot of people in one place!

  • Beaches
    You may be wondering why we’d list ‘beaches’ as a con. The term brings about a warm, Caribbean-Esque feeling, doesn’t it? Well, not in Liverpool. The beaches here are apt to the cold, wet climate and the sand is more like slop mud. Definitely pass on the beach umbrella!

  • Shops close early
    Warning! If you are not from England, particularly Liverpool, you may be shocked to learn that the shops typically close around 4-5 PM. After 5 PM, the pubs are usually the only establishments open if you need to grab a bite or have a pint with a couple of friends. This rule also applies to filming studios. When finding a filming location, if you have chosen a studio to create your project in, a good piece of advice would be to check the hours before settling on the location.

Famous Locations in Liverpool

  • Royal Albert Dock
    Meet a complex of dock buildings and warehouses in Liverpool known as the Royal Albert Dock. With a height of 5 stories tall, the complex was designed by Jesse Hartley and Philip Hardwick. The Dock opened in 1846 and has many star features including art, music and museums. During the Christmas season, the Royal Albert Dock has a magnificent light trail and dockside dining. A great piece of century-old history to Liverpool.

  • The Cavern Pub
    Famous for its title of where The Beatles came up out of England in 1961, the Cavern Pub slowly but surely became the best place to watch live music in. The Cavern Pub is located on Matthew Street, notoriously known as a street full of pubs. This street adds to the lighthearted culture of Liverpool tenfold and is visited by many tourists all throughout the year.

  • Pier Head
    Pier Head is a trio of buildings known as the “Three Graces” located in Riverside. The buildings are The Port of Liverpool Building, The Cunard Building, and The Royal Liver Building (the oldest). Built on each clocktower of the historical buildings are two liver birds composed of copper. The tale of two liver birds is Liverpool’s landmark and it is said that if the two liver birds ever fly away, the city will cease to exist.