Subway Train available for filming
Min booking length
1 hr minimum
Max attendees
150 people
Cast & Crew
150 people
Square footage
16000 sq/ft
About the Space
We have a REAL NYC Subway Train for filming! It was converted from a Bronx "D Line Train". It is 52' long. It has cinematic non-flicker daylight LED lighting. Every aspect of this train is realistic because it was made from a real train! We also many other have standing sets that are fully decorated and ready to film in: * Luxury Jet 40' * Hospital Set * Operating Room * Dr. Office Set * Waiting Room * 757 Airliner 40' * 737 Airliner 40' * Prison, Large * Interrogation Room * Fingerprinting Rm * Mugshot Room * Subway Train * Metro Train * Airplane Cockpit * Fighter Jet cockpit * Huey Helicopter * Blackhawk cabin * Police Station * Morgue/Autopsy * High School * Laboratory * Computer Room * Sci-fi Spaceship
- Property size (sq ft) 16000
- Height 8′
- Width 10′
- Length 53′
Parking and Accessibility
- Available parking spots 30
- Truck/Motorhome parking On property
- Parking lot or structure is available nearby
- Access options Street Level, Wheelchair / Handicap Access
- Air Conditioning
- Hair/Makeup area
- Wifi
- Air Conditioning
- Conference Room
- Green Room
- Green Screen
- Hair/Makeup Room
- Large Vehicle Access
- Outdoor Space
- Playback Equipment
Opening Hours
- Mon – Thu 6:00 AM - 6:00 AM
- Fri 6:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- Sat Closed
- Sun 6:00 AM - 6:00 AM
What's the maximum attendees I can have at this location?
RJ allows 150 attendees on location
What types of activities are allowed at this location?
RJ allows production, events and meetings
How many square feet is the location?
Subway Train available for filming is 16000 sq/ft
Location Rules
- Adult filming
- Alcohol
- Cooking
- Electricity usage
- Loud noises
- Outside catering/food
- Pets
- Smoking
Exact location provided after booking.