City Guide Filming in Palmdale, CA
Production Permit Fees
- Film permit application fee (up to 10 locations): $863 (non-refundable)
- Rider fee: $137 per rider
- Non-profit film permit application Fee: $69
- Non-profit film permit rider fee: $34 per rider
- Student filming: $33 for simple permissions and $124 for complex permissions
- Staff monitoring/site visit: $41 per hour
- Notification fee: $215
Minimum Insurance
- Aircraft or Pyrotechnics liability
Additional Permits
About Palmdale
When visiting the City of Palmdale, don't forget to bring your camera! The City is filled with incredible art and live music, and the list goes on and on. You never know what Palmdale has in store for you! Locals and tourists aren't the only ones who recognize Palmdale as a hidden gem; the film and TV industries have as well.
Palmdale is home to a plethora of excellent film professionals, including filmmakers, professional crew, and on-screen actors. Picturesque locations like those of many other thriving film markets make the City an appealing destination for film production companies.
The film business is alive and well in Palmdale, and city leaders are seeking to make it an even bigger part of the local economy. Many surrounding areas have historically served filmmakers of all sizes, and the City is working hard to solidify its position as a film-friendly community and be among top movie locations like Los Angeles. In fact, Palmdale officials have taken initiatives to encourage more filming in and around the City.
Over the years, several movies that have been filmed in Palmdale include “Lethal Weapon 3,” “The Terminator,” “Mac and Me,” “Star Trek Nemesis,” and “Kill Bill vol. 2” and “Star Trek Generations.” The Thirty Mile Zone (TMZ) was also recently widened by 10 miles, covering much of Palmdale. When combined with California’s Film Tax Incentive Program, Palmdale has seen an increase in film productions, making use of the abundant sites and resources available.
However, when it comes to legally shooting films in Palmdale, there are several details to consider. For instance, you need a film permit, among other things, to film in the City of Palmdale. Here are detailed Palmdale filming regulations, guidelines, and everything you need to know as a filmmaker.
Everything is at risk of falling flat without the right filming location, so you can also take a look at these great places to shoot film, which are all in Palmdale.
Do I Need a Filming Permit in Palmdale?
A film production company is required to get a film permit for all commercial filming in Palmdale. Commercial filming and photography are defined as the activities involved in the digital or film recording of a visual image or sound recording for a market audience by a person, business, or other entity. This includes recordings used in an instructional program, documentary, TV or feature film, social media project, or other comparable activities. FilmLA is the issuing agency that will assess your application and determine what type of film permit you will need, as well as help you obtain permits from other municipal agencies if necessary.
Student Permit:
If you’re in film school in Palmdale, you’ll need to apply for a permit. While student projects are subject to the same laws and permission requirements as professional films, they may qualify for reduced film permit fees. You will need a valid school ID as well as a letter from your school saying that you are presently enrolled and that the film is intended solely for educational use.
Non-profit Filming:
While you are required to request a film permit for non-profit filming, your production quality for special rates. You must give a copy of your IRS 501c form.
Fire Department Permits:
For the use of pyrotechnic, open flame, flammable, special events, or combustible gases, fumes, and liquids and heated work, inspections are required.
Permit Management in Palmdale
In order to expedite the process for filming in the City, Palmdale makes FilmLA its film permit coordinator. So, the agency is responsible for accepting applications to film on public property, public right-of-way, and city facilities in Palmdale. FilmLA offers a streamlined one-stop-shop for all Palmdale city film permits. In addition to awarding film permits, the City also tasked FilmLA with attracting and supporting projects in the City. They also manage filming access to public transportation, as well as lane or street closures.
Antelope Valley Film Office, a professional service organization, was also created to work with other agencies such as FilmLA to promote filming in the City. The office offers a great resource for finding crew people and services to assist you with your production.
The process for completing the application for a film permit is quite simple. You are required to provide details about your film production, such as cast and crew size, budget, and the necessary insurance documents. FilmLA also requests that the film production company state all sites that will be used on the shooting day, as well as film production contacts, vehicles that will need parking, and whether or not you will need police and fire department support, among others. Once completed, the application will take 3 business days to process.
What Insurance Do I Need in Palmdale?
Every filmmaker or production company in Palmdale must provide insurance documentation, especially if they intend to film in public places. The insurance limits may differ depending on the filming activity and location.
If you can’t meet any of these requirements, you’ll need to explain in writing why you can’t meet the requirement to the Office. They will determine if the shoot can go ahead without the necessary insurance.
Note that these requirements are minimum requirements. Larger and more complex shoots may require additional insurance which will be determined by the Office.
What Kind of Filming Locations Are Available in Palmdale?
Palmdale has a long and rich history of beautiful and outlandish locations for films, which date back to the silent era, from depicting the Holy Land in biblical epics to sci-fi blockbusters produced in the 1950s. The City has a lot of room up here; they are film-friendly, have the right zoning, and offer easy access to big freeways — it's simple, and Palmdale is really appealing to filmmakers.
In addition to the beautiful residential areas and properties where you can shoot film, Palmdale is also a high desert city with a harsh background, a plethora of recreational attractions, and deep ties to the aviation industry.
Airparks are also available. Palmdale has a long history with aircraft and the military, which can be seen at the Blackbird Airpark and Joe Davies Heritage Airpark. There are open-air exhibits in addition to the aviation equipment and planes in the airpark. Palmdale Regional Airport is one of the world's largest buildings, and its hangar was used as a scene for the 2004 film The Terminal, which featured a massive facsimile of JFK International Airport. Edwards Air Force Base also served as the primary landing location for early space shuttle missions and later as a backup landing site for the program. The location was portrayed in the film "The Right Stuff."
The Mojave Desert is one of the breathtaking landscapes in Palmdale. The City is one of only two communities in the Mojave Desert, the other being Lancaster. The natural environment and seclusion lend themselves to out-of-the-way movie storylines or post-apocalyptic timeframes. There have been several visually appealing and exciting films shot in the Mojave Desert.
Since its debut as a backdrop in 1935's "Werewolf of London," Vasquez Rocks has also been used numerous times by the entertainment industry. Credits include the original series Star Trek episode "Arena," in which Kirk pushes a boulder off a cliff onto the Gorn. The Fugitive and F-Troop have both been filmed in Vasquez Rocks. Hot Shots! Part Deux, The Flintstones, Blazing Saddles, and Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey are among his film credits.
Palmdale has a plethora of odd filming sites. You'll almost surely find a film studio, a rehab, or a fitness center to shoot in this City. However, it is not just the atmosphere and location that draws these filmmakers. The huge quantity of history and culture and awe-inspiring architecture combine to create the perfect cinematic storm.
Special Requirements in Palmdale
Special Effects
A permit is required for special effects (this is any filming operation that necessitates the use of explosive devices, open flames, or combustible materials). You must submit special effects permits directly to the LA County Fire Department Film Desk for authorization. Special effects may require notification to the residents and businesses to guarantee that everyone affected by your filming activity is informed. If the City of Palmdale deems it appropriate, a Filming Survey demonstrating strong support for the desired activity from impacted residents may be required.
If your permission requires the sheriff, your film production company must contact and hire Sheriff's Deputies. These Officers have the authority to enforce all Palmdale filming permits issued inside the city limits. For safety reasons, they have the authority to enforce, modify, or cancel a film permit.
Signage and Restoration
All signs raised for filming purposes must be removed once the filming activity is completed, as specified in the permit. Unless otherwise allowed by the property owner, you must return the filming site to its original condition upon the conclusion of the shooting. If you do not remove the signage from the film location within 48 hours, the City of Palmdale will do so and may charge a fee against your company.
Special Monitors
A special monitor will be assigned to any filming project on public property, comprises difficult filming activities, or takes place in a commonly filmed region, etc., as needed. The monitor’s fee will be charged to the film production business.
Traffic Control
If your filming impacts traffic flow, a traffic control plan may be needed and require intermittent traffic control (ITC). ITC is permitted on most highways in Palmdale, but only for 2 minutes at a time. For any shoot requiring ITC, production companies are required to hire LA County Sheriff Deputies. The California Highway Patrol may be employed if the location is in Palmdale and unincorporated LA County. A filmmaker is tasked with ordering and paying the necessary officer.
Fire Department
FilmLA will submit all your film permits to the Los Angeles County Fire Department Film Desk for assessment to determine whether you need fire safety officers on-site during your movie production, and you will be notified of any assessment made or water truck requirements.
Gunfire / Firearms
The use or discharge of firearms must be specified in the permit application, and this action necessitates the presence of a Sheriff's Deputy to guarantee safety. To guarantee that all persons affected by filming are aware of the activity, additional notification beyond the customary 500' is required. If the City deems it appropriate, a Filming Survey demonstrating strong support for the desired activity from impacted residents may be required.
The film production company must allow the county’s employees to inspect the film site at any time. A copy of the authorized permit must be kept on-site throughout filming.
Posted Parking
The film production company must put up "no parking" signs 48 hours before the restriction takes effect. If the posted signs are not up 48 hours in advance, you cannot enforce them. Signs can be obtained from FilmLA or the Palmdale Film Office. City employees will conduct inspections to ensure that everything is correctly posted.
What Does it Cost to Film in Palmdale?
A Palmdale film permit has several different costs associated with it, which vary depending on what is necessary for the filming project and the locations you plan to film.
Additional Fees
It's crucial to recognize that the fees and prerequisites may undergo alterations and are governed by Palmdale's rules and guidelines. The most reliable method to acquire current and precise information about filming fees in Palmdale is by reaching out directly to the city's film office, local authorities, or film commission.
They can provide detailed information about the essential permits, related charges, and other requirements tailored to your filming venture.
Geographical Jurisdiction of Palmdale?
Palmdale is a city in LA County. The cities of Palmdale and LA are divided by the San Gabriel mountain range, about 64 kilometers wide. This range marks the southern boundary of the Mojave Desert's Antelope Valley. Palmdale is the 2nd most populous city in the Antelope Valley and the 5th in the Mojave Desert, comprising Lancaster, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Nevada.
Palmdale is a twin-city complex with Lancaster, and the two cities form the Antelope Valley region. The LA County Sheriff's Department polices the City under a legal contract with the County of LA, and its community judicial system is linked to the LA County Superior Court.
Every filming activity on public space in the City of Palmdale is under the jurisdiction of FilmLA. The selection of publicly owned Palmdale properties has been cataloged for inclusion in the agency’s location library. Antelope Valley Film office and FilmLA office also collaborate with Antelope Valley Film Commissioner to showcase all that the City has to offer.
Outreach in Palmdale
The City of Palmdale may demand a survey to indicate that impacted residents and businesses have been contacted individually and to solicit individual objections (if any) about the intended filming activity. FilmLA will supply a survey form, guidelines, a sample map, and a sample letter, but it is the responsibility of the production company to survey affected people and businesses. Permit release requires satisfactory completion of a Filming Survey and a reasonable attempt to address any issues raised by the survey.
Each Filming Survey contains information regarding anticipated filming activity like parking effects in the area, filming dates and hours, and other vital events. To promote settlement before production begins, survey forms provide contact information for FilmLA and the Production Company.
Community Management in Palmdale
For large film productions, you may want to meet with the local community so that agreements can be reached to minimize interruption and inconvenience to the community's residents, businesses, and tourists. It is important you provide forums for residents and businesses to discuss issues related to the filming activities impacting their communities and try to create possible solutions to their problems.
As a large film and TV production company, you can donate to local organizations or charitable causes in the local community. When applicable, filmmakers are actively urged to offer paid on-set chances to locals looking to get professional experiences, such as marshals or runners.
The City of Palmdale has an ordinance that supports filmmaking and is working to extend the film-friendly program. The City also offers discounted prices at nearby hotels for film crews, which is useful for those who will be in the area for several days.
Palmdale has seen interest from production firms, like Netflix and Amazon Prime, in establishing their own studios in the area. Companies are hoping to develop a film production hub with support offices, buildings, and everything you'd find on a studio lot. Officials are attempting to fully establish Palmdale as a filmmaking center, with cooperation from all levels of local government.
However, planning ahead of time to obtain FilmLA permission and understanding the filming jurisdictions in Palmdale will make the process go as smoothly as possible. FilmLA simplifies and improves the on-location filmmaking process for communities and content providers, ensuring that the Palmdale economy thrives.
This guide delves into the essentials of shooting a movie in the City of Palmdale without interference. This provides answers to the most often asked questions by filmmakers that want to film in the City. So, whether you are looking to shoot a single feature film, TV series, commercials, or a slate of music videos, these Palmdale filming regulations and guidelines provide you with all the information you need to get your film made legally!