2021 Event Trends and Predictions
Last year I was quite proud of my 2020 Event Trend Predictions. I had thought long and hard about what I thought would shape the events industry and I predicted we were in for a change;
“…. we predict there is a significant change looming in the events landscape – a shift that will see not only the design of events change, but a change in the type of events held too. This change has been creeping up on us for a while, but as our country burns this summer, we believe the events industry is about to endure a major shake-up that will impact everyone.”
Am I a modern-day Nostradamus? Ah, no.
The change and major shake-up I was referring to at the time was not what unfolded. How could anyone in early January have predicted that by mid-March all live events around the entire world would grind to a halt and that Zoom meetings, virtual, and eventually, hybrid events would be all the rage in 2020? OK, there might have been some smarty-pants, doomsday, professors out there that could see it coming, but it was not me.
As 2020 came to a close in Australia the situation seemed to be improving. Christmas parties were being held and there was hope on the horizon that live, in-person events would be able to return to a somewhat pre-COVID normal situation in the new year.
But just as we were getting comfortable, optimistic and excited, an outbreak of COVID sprung up just before Christmas and the authorities acted fast. While the NSW Government did their very best to keep as many businesses as possible open, and their swift action has meant that we are better placed to continue on our road to recovery, one thing remains – uncertainty.
How can we predict what will happen next when the situation can change so quickly? How do people plan events when plans can so easily be disrupted? Even with the possibility of a vaccine in the coming months, predicting how the events industry will forge forward in 2021 is a tricky task.
Despite that uncertainty I still hold a lot of hope and optimism for the events market in 2021. It will not be a fast recovery and it may never return to “business as usual” as we once knew it, but as I predicted at the start of 2020, the events industry was in a state of change anyway. So, let’s embrace that mentality and roll with it.
Before writing this piece, I asked our Event Birdie members for their own predictions – I didn’t get a lot of responses, but a few brave souls have put forward their ideas. So, along with their insights and my own, I present our predictions for Event Trends in 2021….
1/ Local + Hybrid
International travel is off the cards, and due to the eagerness of some State Leaders to shut their borders in Australia, we predict interstate travel for events will be drastically reduced for some time too. However, businesses that operate across boarders must still “meet” with their staff and clients in order to plan, strategies and grow.
While 2020 was the year of virtual events, it’s likely that individuals are increasingly experiencing Zoom fatigue and are craving some interactive connection.
To combat this, we predict hybrid events will take centre stage with event managers finding clever ways to make their events more engaging than ever before.
Expect to see invitations to a local venue or destination to engage with your local staff and clients, while elements of the event will allow guests to connect virtually to team members or clients located elsewhere in the country (or on the other side of the world).
This event format will allow attendees to have an event program that complies with COVID guidelines in the local area, reduce the risk of having to reschedule should a boarder close, and still allow some attendees to connect in person.
Event Managers will thrive under the pressure to create these engaging events and we look forward to seeing some examples of how they engage via technology, as well as create intriguing social activities that engage those physically in the room with each other.
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2/ Company Retreats in regional areas
Following the notion that everyone is a bit over the Zoom meeting, Jodie McLean from JEM Events predicts that hosting a company retreat will be a popular choice in 2021. With so many people working from home, giving staff the opportunity to get away from their houses will be seen as a welcomed reward. And, while 2020 might have knocked us about, it wasn’t so long ago that we were campaigning for “Event Here this year”. Regional destinations are crying out for business and what better way to inspire your staff than hosting a planning session in a destination that offers fresh air and unique experiences.
Cathy Bell from Event Scene Blogger also adds that people will embrace the “Shop Here” campaign incorporating local and regional gifts as part of their events.
3/ Gifting
Last year we saw the rise of gifting in conjunction with events. Virtual events were accompanied by a well curated gift box of goodies. Whether it included treats to enjoy at the company online trivia night or a selection of branded items to accompany attendees at the annual sales conference – event managers were embracing the art of gifting.
We expect gifting as part of the event program to increase as Hybrid events get more creative. And, who doesn’t love getting a parcel?

4/ Never Before Done Experiences
OK, Event Managers, 2021 is the time to get your ultra-creative hats on and start thinking outside the box. As Jodie from JEM Events puts it “no longer are we going to risk our lives [or others] for just any ol’event, so if you’re going to host an in-person event, you better make damn sure it’s an experience to remember”. Jodie suggests that providing a fully immersive experience, along with secret locations, blindfolds and surprise guests will ensure guests keep coming back for more (and sharing it across their social platforms!).
5/ Event Catering to be carefully considered
Our love of sharing platters, self-serve buffets and elaborate food stations are going to have to take a back seat for a little while. Packaging – hopefully the sustainable type – and individual serves are going to make a resurgence. However, as sustainability and reducing waste are still very high on the agenda, we predict catering companies will get creative with how they deliver and display menus to avoid too much cross contamination from guests, while keeping excessive waste to a minimum.
COVID restrictions will also mean that cocktail style events will be replaced with more seated arrangements.
Our desire for fresh, seasonal produce will not fade, in fact regional produce will feature more than ever before. Did you hear there’s an abundance of lobster on the market?

6/ Size matters
Capacity at events will be closely monitored. Even at larger events, people will meet within smaller groups. Event Managers will get creative with floor plans, and create spaces within spaces, finding unique ways to avoid crowds, long queues and “mass gatherings”.
7/ Cause-related events
Back at the beginning of 2020, we predicted there will be a rise in cause-related events.
Cathy from Event Scene Blogger adds, “that as event managers we’re in a unique position to help highlight and celebrate causes and movements – in 2020 we saw Black Lives Matter movement, in 2019 it was climate change”. We predict that event programs will incorporate and use their platforms to highlight these movements to attendees. Corporates will use events to communicate and align their values with issues that matter to their audiences.
8/ Check-in and Event Apps more important than ever
Checking-in on arrival at events isn’t a new thing. In fact, the industry has been campaigning for its return based on the fact that most business events have a thorough check-in and guest tracking system already in place.
Typically, event managers use the check-in process for a lot more than simply recording who turned up. We expect you’ll see more sophisticated event check-in systems that work in conjunction with clever event apps to ensure an attendee’s time at an event is safe, secure and seamless.

9/ Some events will simply not return (replaced by something new?)
One sad and unfortunate trend that we predict to happen is the decline in some client events. Already on the telegraph we’ve heard that corporate clients who cancelled their big client shindig in 2020, will use it as an excuse to not bring it back – even when it is safe to do so.
Budgets are tight and client entertainment is generally one of the first to go.
So, what does that mean for our industry?
Over the last decade or two we’ve seen a decline in client entertainment following major economic downturns. And, yet businesses still need to engage with their customers. People crave connections and while some marketers believe they can engage and connect purely through social media or other online platforms, we know that there is still a big desire for people to experience a product or service in person.
As has happened before, we expect there will be a downturn in events and hospitality as a result of the current situation. However, we also predict businesses will want to connect more than ever before with people in a more human way. Following lock-downs and restrictions people are craving to re-connect and it will be this strong desire that will see the rise of a new era of the events industry.
We will find new and exciting ways of communicating and engaging with audiences.
Will it all be virtual – no.
Will it mean the end of live events – absolutely not.
Instead, we predict the events industry will go through a resurgence and new businesses, new products and new ways of doing “events” will emerge.
What will that look like? We’ll let you try and predict that…. But whatever it is, we’re excited to go along for the ride.
Happy planning!