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Top Small venues

Wonderland cafe in a pirate park
  • £50/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
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  • Responds within 1 hr
  • London
Modern Industrial Bar/Restaurant in Manchester
  • £144/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
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  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Manchester
Venue and Team Building Academy
  • £120/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
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  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
Unbelievable Gothic Styled Manor in Nottingham
  • £30/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Nottingham
Rustic Buy-out Venue in London
  • £250/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (1)
  • 1
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
The French Quarter
  • £150/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Edinburgh
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an average Small venue cost to rent?
Small venue rates typically average $127 per hour.
What is the attendee limitation of average Small venues?
Attendee limits often vary with the size and features of a Small venue, but average 212 people per booking.
What is the average hourly minimum of Small venues?
The average minimum booking time for Small venues is 3 hours.
What is the average square feet of a Small venue?
There's a great range of Small venues available, with an average size of 2279 square feet.
What are the most popular Small venues on Giggster?

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About Small Venues

From birthday parties and weddings to corporate events, seminars, and family get-togethers, many events can still fit even a small venue. Despite the smaller area, these quaint locations can be modified properly to provide a comfortable experience for guests. Small venues look best under natural lighting and minimal decor, which means fewer expenses on decorations.

A large venue will naturally cost more and can also feel too formal and excessive, especially for a private event that will be attended only by a few people. If you're on a tight budget, then small party venues are your best bet because they're often cheaper. They’re also easier to book and more convenient to set up, which is suitable if you don't have a lot of time and need a space for a quick meeting out of the office. You'll also have better control over where to place the decor, sound system, lighting, and other equipment.

In a small space, guests feel more comfortable with themselves and can mingle with others easily—ideal for business meetings, social events, and personal celebrations like holiday parties and anniversaries. It's also easy to find one in your area—wherever you are, there's sure to be an establishment that rents out its venue for events and filming. Ask around your city and you'll find cafes and restaurants, sports bars, nightclubs, fitness studios, coworking spaces, and art galleries that double as event spaces.

The Best Events for Small Venues

When you're organizing any kind of special event, you’ll want to foster meaningful connections among your guests—after all, this is an indicator of the event's success. One of the ways you can achieve this is to rent a small, intimate event venue where people can feel comfortable interacting with one another. Below are some of the top activities or occasions that can benefit from a small venue rental:

  • Art Exhibition
    Hosting an art exhibition in a small venue is a cost-effective way to showcase the works of emerging and established local artists and allow people to appreciate artworks up close. The space may be used as an interactive gallery of paintings, sculptures, illustrations, and photographs from various artists, or a performance venue for performance art. For maximum impact, you can also host artist talks or workshops so attendees can learn more about the artistic process and engage in meaningful conversations with the exhibiting creatives.

  • Music Performance
    It could be a presentation of musical sounds by an ensemble, a soloist, or a touring band in a semi-private space like a function room, a grand hall, or a special events venue. Live music performances in an intimate space allow them to better interact with the audience than they may have at bigger shows. It is also likely that fans will go out of their way to attend due to the up-close experiences they provide.
  • Theater Show
    A theater show brings stories to life in a small setting. Actors can take advantage of the opportunity to engage more directly with audiences, generating distinctive theatrical experiences that cannot be replicated in a larger area. Depending on the show, organizers can arrange seating that allows viewers to be close enough for them to feel involved in whatever action is happening onstage.
  • Movie Screening
    A small venue can be the right place to set up a movie screening—all you'll need is a large screen (or projector), a high-quality sound system, and comfortable seats. The privacy that a small room offers allows for a more intimate watching experience. Whether you’re planning to show a classic film or a recently released movie, ask your potential viewers what kind of film they want to watch. For a more enjoyable movie experience, offer light snacks such as popcorn and drinks.

  • Private Party
    A small, intimate venue is the best option to rent for private events, be it a birthday party, a baby shower, an engagement, a retirement party, or a wedding reception. Many venues are pretty flexible with the events that can happen inside and will gladly offer their assistance with any special requests. In a smaller space, everyone can enjoy one-on-one interactions without feeling awkward.

What to Look For in Small Event Venues

Event spaces come in different sizes, styles, features, and price tags. The options can be overwhelming, which is why we created a list of things worth considering to help you make an informed decision.

  • Location
    Your chosen venue should be easily accessible for guests, whether they’re driving or using public transportation. Party venues near local attractions, such as restaurants, bars, and other recreational establishments, are also a plus, as they can encourage people to attend and participate. Also, check if it’s close to transport hubs or has parking spots for guests.
  • Capacity
    One of the first things you should do when choosing a small venue is to make sure it can hold the number of people you expect. To prevent crowding at the venue, it's critical to have a precise estimate of the number of attendees. Compact locations don't work well if you're expecting a large number of attendees because they usually have limited room. Additionally, see if you'll need to set up equipment such as sound systems, which can be quite space-consuming.
  • Layout and Design
    A venue's overall layout can make or break your guests’ overall experience. The decor and layout can affect the event's tone and ambiance—for example, a vintage-themed cafe may fare well for a casual meetup with friends, but not so much for a corporate meeting. On the same note, an office space may look too formal for a holiday party. Make it a point to visit the location to ensure it aligns with your vision or style. It should be well-equipped with appropriate AV systems, furniture, and decor items without feeling cramped or cluttered.
  • Amenities
    Try looking for a location that offers more services than just the venue itself. In this manner, you might even receive discounts and won't have to search elsewhere for these services. A corporate event requires top-notch audiovisual equipment, such as projector screens, lighting, outlets for electricity, speakers, and microphones. But if it's a family event or holiday party, you'll need to rent party supplies like seats and tables as well as food and beverages. Ask away! A lot of the venue staff will be happy to help with any questions or special requests.

How to Make Small Events Better

Just because you only have a small crowd doesn’t mean it’s going to be boring. With a few tips and tricks, you can turn an ordinary celebration into a fantastic party!

  • Pick an Engaging Theme
    Choosing the right concept for your event allows you to tailor and personalize it to your specific audience, ensuring that the atmosphere is delightful and engaging. Identify their interest and pick topics that will spark curiosity and draw in visitors.

  • Develop Promotional Strategies
    Once you have a theme picked out, start promoting your event. Use social media platforms and other digital marketing strategies to build hype and boost attendance. In your marketing materials, include all key details such as theme, location, time, and date so that potential attendees are aware of what they can expect at your event.

  • Offer Refreshments
    Make sure that refreshments are available—not just snacks and drinks but food as well, if possible. Doing so is a great way to keep guests happy and refreshed while also helping them stay energized throughout the event.

  • Keep it Short but Sweet
    Small events should not be too long. Keep it short and sweet by focusing on essential elements only instead of cramming too much into one session, which may lead to confusion among attendees. This will also prevent boredom from settling in, which is often the reason people leave even before the program ends.

  • Use Technology Wisely
    Incorporating technology into an event does wonders for streamlining the event planning process and enhancing the party atmosphere. You can play interactive games or show live pictures on social media outlets so those who aren’t present can still follow along in real time. Utilize modern technology wisely so that your audience gets maximum entertainment value from the experience.

While expansive and grandiose event spaces have their charm, there’s always something special about cozy, small venues that make them the perfect choice for social gatherings and corporate functions. Discover the intimate event venues near you for a more personalized experience.