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Top Focus Group locations

Modern & Stylish Work Hub in Leeds
  • £50/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Leeds
The Glasgow Suite
  • £525/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Glasgow
The Dundee Suite
  • £60/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Glasgow
Board Room
  • £55/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Golborne
The Strathclyde Suite
  • £90/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Glasgow
Stunning Office Building in Newcastle City Centre
  • £50/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Newcastle Upon Tyne
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an average Focus Group location cost to rent?
Focus Group location rates typically average $137 per hour.
What is the attendee limitation of average Focus Group locations?
Attendee limits often vary with the size and features of a Focus Group location, but average 23 people per booking.
What is the average hourly minimum of Focus Group locations?
The average minimum booking time for Focus Group locations is 3 hours.
What is the average square feet of a Focus Group location?
There's a great range of Focus Group locations available, with an average size of 1858 square feet.
What are the most popular Focus Group locations on Giggster?
The top 3 Focus Group locations right now are Modern & Stylish Work Hub in Leeds, The Glasgow Suite and The Dundee Suite.

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About Focus Groups

Whether you’re meeting up with a couple of friends to provide feedback on shows watched or meeting up with strangers to discuss newly released products, focus groups are events that are relatively easy to set up. The challenge lies in obtaining a venue that adheres to the theme as well as getting individuals that are similar to each other.

These events are often used as a confirmatory research technique that allows researchers to obtain information and observe how a group of individuals support or refute beliefs and opinions on topics discussed. This means that focus groups can be anything from a quick get-together to a planned affair with many individuals showing up to the venue. With researchers needing the most natural response from the members attending, it's wise to consider the type of venue to not scare or intimidate the candidates participating in the focus group.

Before planning out the various amenities you plan on bringing on-site, it's wise to consider a few factors to ensure that your venue helps your cause instead of impeding it. These can range from the layout of the location of your focus group to other factors like accessways and the size of the venue chosen. Figuring out these smaller things can make your focus group flow smoothly and can elicit the most natural response from the participants.

The Best Focus Group Venues

The venue is one of the most important aspects of a Focus Group. Having a venue that makes a group of strangers feel comfortable allows them to express their feelings and thoughts freely, which is always a positive thing for the researcher conducting the focus group. Consider a few of the possible options when planning out a potential focus group venue.

  • Offices
    Offices are made so that people can perform at peak productivity and without any distractions. This makes them ideal locations for a focus group site as they also have most of what you need when conducting this type of event: chairs, tables, and sometimes a podium or a projector with screens. Many office spaces nowadays have an open layout, encouraging communication and helping produce a comfortable atmosphere.

  • Event Spaces
    These can range from indoor to outdoor venues, and each event space comes with unique features which make them desirable locations to host your upcoming focus group. Depending on what your focus group’s topic is going to be, it might be best to consider some of the event spaces out there as they can provide you with exactly what you need. Consider the example of a minimalistic event space in Mission Hills, San Diego for your next focus group.

  • Film Studios
    These locations are perfect for virtual focus groups as film studios generally have all the equipment you need to set up a virtual focus group already on-site. From tripods and professional cameras to greenscreens and rig lighting, you can plan a variety of setups that can be utilized in your upcoming focus group.

  • Warehouse
    Although most warehouses are considered large and spacious areas, certain smaller warehouses could be perfect for your upcoming focus group. These smaller warehouses are often bare which allows you to decorate the place to your liking to make a more comfortable atmosphere for those who are attending.

What to Look for in Focus Group Spaces

Before finalizing your decision on a specific focus group space, considering some aspects of the venue that you’re going to rent is vital. These smaller features add up in a big way and can either help or be the detriment of your focus group.

  • Location
    Obtaining a focus group site that can be reached through both public transportation and personal vehicles is important. It's wise to consider if there’s enough parking space at your venue and if there isn’t, it’s advisable to consider renting out some street-side parking spaces.

  • Accessibility
    Ensuring that everyone can enter and exit the venue without any difficulties is also essential. This includes wheelchair ramps and accessways for those who require mobility scooters. Moreover, it's important to consider the option of bigger accessways if you need to bring larger equipment into the venue.

  • Size
    One of the biggest factors to consider when looking for a potential focus group location is size. The size of the venue affects how many participants can utilize the facility without feeling too crowded and uncomfortable. Getting a venue that is large enough to not feel cramped but at the same time isn’t too big that it feels awkward to be in the venue, is important.

  • Features
    Some venues, like outdoor ones, lack certain features that indoor venues have, like proper ventilation, heating, and cooling systems, and in some cases, restrooms. Making sure that your venue has everything needed to ensure the comfort of the participants is essential to get the most natural response.

  • Security
    Hosting a focus group in a relatively dodgy environment can make everyone feel on edge and may influence the answers that the focus group leans towards. Ensuring that everyone feels safe and secure is important and should be considered when choosing a venue for your upcoming event.

Focus Group Inspirations

With the sky being the limit, you can come up with all sorts of locations to use as your upcoming focus group location. Here are some ideas to get the gears in your mind moving.

  • Virtual Focus Group at a Podcast Studio
    These studios have everything you need to make a successful focus group online. Having a stable Wi-Fi connection and a variety of gear, you can host your upcoming virtual focus group at a podcast studio.

  • Laid-Back Focus Group at a Restaurant
    Consider a wide range of topics at a restaurant, where the atmosphere is comforting and relaxed. With the ambiance of food being cooked and the aromas wafting through the area, your focus group is bound to be natural with their responses.

  • Corporate Focus Group in a Conference Room
    Get into the mood for a corporate focus group in a conference room. These places are generally soundproof which allows you to discuss sensitive topics without worrying if people on the outside can hear your voice.

  • Marketing Focus Group at an Art Gallery
    Ensuring that everyone is encouraged by the art that surrounds them can provide you with new and original ideas for how to market new products. With many art galleries with different themes, you’re bound to find one that suits the product you’re trying to market.