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Top Sound Stage venues

S2 Royal Arsenal Shoots
  • £80/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (5)
  • 5
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
S1 Apartment Shoots
  • £75/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (4)
  • 4
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
S3 Royal Arsenal Shoots
  • £30/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (3)
  • 3
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
Soaring High Ceilings - The Project Space
  • £62/hr
  • New
  • 4.0 (2)
  • 2
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
Photography & Video Studio
  • £36/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (3)
  • 3
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Salford
Superb Custom Designed Studio in Aberdeen
  • £90/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (3)
  • 3
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Aberdeen
Bright and Aesthetic Studio in Manchester
  • £50/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (1)
  • 1
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a day
  • Manchester
Kitchen Studio
  • £70/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • London
  • £70/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • London
Sound Stage Infinity Cove Studio West London
  • £180/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an average Sound Stage venue cost to rent?
Sound Stage venue rates typically average $69 per hour.
What is the attendee limitation of average Sound Stage venues?
Attendee limits often vary with the size and features of a Sound Stage venue, but average 31 people per booking.
What is the average hourly minimum of Sound Stage venues?
The average minimum booking time for Sound Stage venues is 3 hours.
What is the average square feet of a Sound Stage venue?
There's a great range of Sound Stage venues available, with an average size of 793 square feet.
What are the most popular Sound Stage venues on Giggster?
The top 3 Sound Stage venues right now are S2 Royal Arsenal Shoots, S1 Apartment Shoots and S3 Royal Arsenal Shoots.

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About Sound Stages

From your favorite television series to iconic films and movies, sound stages are utilized in many productions these days. Sound stages are often used for smaller dialogue-based productions and feature a very soundproof room which allows for clarity in the voice of speakers to be heard.

If you are looking for a sound stage, chances are, you know what you’re doing and need a venue that can provide you with what you need. Whether you’re filming dialogue between characters for an upcoming film or utilizing a sound stage for a recording of an orchestral arrangement, finding a suitable venue is vital to ensure you have a successful event.

While looking for a suitable venue at first may seem like a struggle, the satisfaction that you get when you find one that’s perfect for your needs can make the difference. With many possible venues to consider, explore the options available to find a sound stage that’s right for you.

The Best Sound Stage Venues

When looking for a possible venue, the location plays a big role in determining how good the overall audio clarity is. Areas close to construction sites and service roads for instance won’t be a good place to host a sound stage.

  • Auditoriums
    These spaces, although large, have great audio clarity and anything spoken or played can be heard throughout the entire venue. With everything centered on the bottom stage, it's possible to utilize higher ground and various angles to set the scene for a film or capture a group of actors.

  • Houses
    Although unconventional, houses can serve as a quick sound stage venue in a pinch which makes them a great place to film and shoot videos. These venues can serve as sound stages as they have many ways to soundproof and isolate rooms that can make for personal dialogue scenes. Moreover, depending on the location of the house, you may not have to worry about outside noises if the house is somewhat far off from main roads and highways.

  • TV Studio
    These venues were practically made for the sole purpose of being a sound stage. From the rigging around the stage to the open layout, it's possible to shoot scenes of film and adverts within TV studios. Most TV Studios have additional features which include hair and makeup rooms which can ensure that everyone looks their best before the big shoot.

  • Warehouses
    Great for all sorts of shots and productions which require a bigger set, warehouses are a solid go-to for many producers and event planners. With many warehouses being bare, designers are free to customize a sound stage that both isolates sound yet looks stylish. However, some warehouses come with additional features and perhaps a polished brick warehouse space with a cyclorama wall is just what you need to finalize your next production.

What to Look for in Sound Stages

When planning out a sound stage site, many factors need to be considered to ensure that everyone attending is comfortable, safe, and can easily perform in the space. Depending on the theme of your production, different amenities may be preferred but there are some things that stay constant.

  • Safety
    To ensure that a successful event occurs, examining the sound stage location for any loose equipment or lighting that could potentially damage equipment or hurt cast members while performing in the allotted space, is vital.

  • Capacity
    Sometimes you may host a sound stage with many members and may need a larger venue. Many locations allow for larger groups so browse around to find a sound stage that can hold your number of cast members. Alhambra has a pretty good example of a sound stage that can capacitate larger numbers.

  • Amenities
    Having extra features to work with at a sound stage studio is always a pleasure, but sometimes it may be a necessity. If you plan on uploading your work immediately after the performance, having Wi-Fi at the venue can greatly reduce the time taken to edit work as your editors can begin working on corrections immediately once you upload the files to the cloud.

  • Accessibility
    Especially with larger groups, having multiple exits and entrances at a sound stage venue is vital as it can allow for quick transitions. This also reduces the downtime of having to wait for your cast members to get into place and all the props to be set up for the next scene.

  • Soundproofing
    Sound stages are where the main characters make impactful statements that can make or break the production. Ensuring that no outside disturbances can interrupt your production, from loud vehicles to the sounds of a city, is vital, and having a sound stage venue that offers quality soundproofing is always a positive.

Sound Stage Inspiration

Sound stages take place on large and small scales and obtaining a venue that can cater for either case is never a bad thing. Create a memorable production by finding a sound stage that fits your genre and theme.

  • Comedy Skit at a Theater Stage
    With the backdrop of a curtain and a spotlight, theaters are ideal for all sorts of skits. The curtains in these venues not only act as a cover for props to be used but also serve as a type of soundproofing, which is always a bonus.

  • TV Series in a House
    Many television series these days try to bridge the gap between Hollywood and realism by adding in houses to make productions seem closer to reality than fiction. By utilizing a cozy cottage or a suburban house and adding in a little bit of soundproofing, you can create a realistic sound stage that can connect to a wide audience.

  • Performances on a Television Set
    From dance routines on stages to an infomercial on the latest vacuum cleaner tested out on various surfaces, television sets encompass all that a sound stage should be. These venues have great soundproofing, allow for larger filming equipment, and have many access routes allowing you to get creative when planning out your next production.

  • Dramatic Films at a Film Studio
    Film studios often come equipped with many additional features which include hair and makeup rooms to allow the cast members to get ready. You may also need green screens, which can aid in your upcoming production. Editors can utilize green screens found at these venues to create an atmosphere that radiates drama which is sure to boost your production quality.