Wedding Cake for Everyone! Industry Supports Marriage Equality

Right across our nation, Australian residents are being asked to decide whether or not same-sex marriage should be legalised.

Event Birdie doesn’t tend to dip its toe into political matters, but the topic of same-sex marriage really has struck a chord with us. And, when we caught up for a chat with Nadia Ruben, Marketing Manager of the beautiful Residences Centennial Park, a few weeks back, we were delighted to hear they were passionate about the topic too.

Nadia explained that their gorgeous venues, located inside Centennial Park, Sydney, have hosted same-sex marriage celebrations for years now and, in fact, they had a couple booked in for late 2017.

Nadia also explained that in conjunction with Upside Down Events, to show their support for marriage equality, they hosted a morning tea on Tuesday, 12th September (the first day the plebiscite voting forms started being mailed out to Australians eligible to vote). Along with a collection of like-minded wedding suppliers, they joined together to show their support for this important cause, and to enjoy some rainbow wedding cake, laughter and fun.

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“The Wedding Cake for Everyone Morning Tea was beyond incredible. I’m still on a high from the day. I was overwhelmed by how many professionals donated their time, skills and beautiful products in support of same-sex marriage. We loved being together with like-minded wedding professionals at The Residences.
Lilac Zhang of Upside Down Events was the mastermind behind the morning tea, co-ordinating rainbow cakes and cake toppers, to sandwiches and rainbow signs. We feel this plebiscite is really important for all Australians – be it your friend, brother, sister, son, daughter, mother, father. I am proud to publicly show my support and work with a company that feels the same as I personally do.The morning tea was a chance to celebrate hope for a positive outcome, and remind people to vote!
Oh, and who doesn’t love any excuse to eat cake, right?!”

Nadia Ruben | The Residences Centennial Park

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Wedding cake for everyone morning tea

The Wedding Cake for Everyone Morning Tea was an initiative started by Jennie Keogh of The Weddings Experts – a growing online community of wedding suppliers in Australia. The event was held in eight different locations around Australia and planned by local suppliers in each location.

We were delighted to see such amazing support for marriage equality from wedding industry members. Some sceptics might say that industry support is based on economics – of course more people getting married means a stronger industry economy. But I think we can all agree: this vote is not based on economics. It’s based on equality and eliminating prejudice. Prejudice which really shouldn’t exist in this day and age.

After hearing from Nadia that they had a same-sex couple booked at their venue for a wedding celebration later this year – a booking made well before the plebiscite was announced – we wanted to hear from this couple.

So, The Residences’ dedicated Event Co-ordinator, Paula, kindly asked the couple, Ben & Yoshi some questions on our behalf.

The answers are beautiful and provide a real personal insight into the current debate. As for the vote itself, we think it should be an absolute YES from everyone – it just makes sense, but we understand people may have personal hang ups about the decision. After reading the thoughtful responses below from Ben and Yoshi, we hope people can push aside any personal prejudices and make a decision that is not about ‘you’, but about the lives and rights of others.

Ben & Yoshi: When you break down the idea of marriage I think it has traditionally (depending on the country) been a religious, legal, but most importantly, community ceremony. Before the Church and the State come into it, the most important thing is making your vows to each other in front of your close family and friends and having them witness and accept your union. That’s why we decided to do it regardless of the law – we just want to celebrate the people in our life who respect us as a couple.

Ben & Yoshi: We originally said that it wasn’t so important to us as we were going to have a marriage ceremony anyway – LGBTI couples in Australia have many of the rights as same-sex couples (through de-facto partnerships). However, with all of the current debate it has hit home about how important it is that it is legitimised by the government – fostering or caring for children has been a dream of ours, but if Australia adopts a ‘NO’ stance we just don’t think we could deal with it. Most of the people I know are accepting of difference, but allowing same-sex marriage will truly make us equal citizens.

Why did you choose The Residences for your ceremony?

Ben & Yoshi: Firstly, because they made it clear they supported gender equality from the start! And secondly because of the beautiful, private, yet homely venue. People are going to love it!

Final words…

Vote YES. It’s the right thing to do. All Australians deserve to be equal in the eyes of the law.

Whatever the result, for the majority of Australians it will make absolutely no difference to their personal lives. However, it will greatly affect the lives of those in the LGBTI community and, more importantly, on our society more generally. To live in a society where we are all considered equal citizens should be our number one priority and something we should all fight for, regardless of any personal beliefs.

So, we encourage you to take the time to vote and help couples like Ben & Yoshi enjoy the same rights as others.

The Residences would like to acknowledge and thank the following suppliers for their involvement in the Wedding Cake for Everyone Morning Tea:

Concept + Stying & Props – Upside Down Events

Venue – The Residences Centennial Park

Caravan Bar – My Little Peony

Photography – Angus Porter

Video – Top Choi’s Productions

Live Music – Josephine Ison from Event Entertainers & Alex Toh

Stationary – Elkprints

Acrylic Signs – Nikki Design Co.

Mesh panels & stools – Timbermill

Cakes – Baked by Gemma & The Cake Edit

Dessert Cups – All Pretty Desserts

Macarons – Makmak

Marshmallow – Sugarpot

Cake Toppers – Communicake it

Food – Two Chaps

Foliage – Wild Dahlia

*The Residences at Centennial Park has ceased trading as an events venue as of November 2018.