Red White and Blue Wedding

This photo inspiration shows the beauty of simplicity, doesn’t it? Mason jars filled with a refreshing strawberry drink look tantalizing and the wedding cake is the cherry on top – literally! We also adore the red shoes with a short white wedding dress.

We’ve got everything you need to know to plan your Red White and Blue Wedding. It’ll be just perfect.

What to Look for in a Venue for a Red White and Blue Wedding

When you’re looking for a venue for your Red White and Blue Wedding, there are a few avenues that you can consider. Fundamentally, you’re wanting to lead with a theme of feeling free – after all, America is the land of the free and it’s that kind of carefree fun that you want out of your wedding day.

A great wedding space to start in terms of inspiration is a backyard style event. Think rural, outdoorsy, and family-driven kind of vibes with the beautiful sunshine beaming down on your beautiful Red White and Blue Wedding venue. You’re going to want an informal atmosphere for this kind of wedding, and an outdoor, field or garden-based wedding would suit this theme well.

Color Palettes for a Red White and Blue Wedding

We’ll give you three guesses about what the color palette for your Red White and Blue Wedding is going to be? The key with this color palette however is the quantity of each shade – too much of one or another is going to completely change the vibe and could even cause your wedding day to look like a costumey fourth of July. Not what anyone wants!

You want to primarily lead with the whites to give a flowy, carefree base to your wedding scheme. On top of this, you can layer vibrant red detailing and enhance this with lighter blue shades.

Details for a Red White and Blue Wedding

When it comes to the details for your Red White and Blue Wedding, it’s important to use each of the colors sparingly and in deliberate ways. This way, the color pops and looks a lot more effective than if you add loads and loads of different colored details all around your wedding ceremony and reception venues.

Think about tasteful floral elements dotted around your scheme in bright red and a light blue and use summery elements like berries and red fruits in signature cocktails that will help tie your Red White and Blue Wedding theme together without looking garish or tacky.

Food for a Red White and Blue Wedding

It’s everyone’s favorite part of any wedding – the food! Only kidding of course, but it is a definite highlight of any wedding reception. With your Red White and Blue Wedding, consider the formality level of your wedding. As it’s an outdoor, summer wedding with an informal feel, it might be a cool idea to go with a barbecue, a hog roast or something similar.

For your gorgeous and delicious wedding cake, stick with the classic white icing with some red elements like cherries or strawberries for decoration. You can always use a red velvet sponge on the inside for an extra reveal.

Table Setting Style for a Red White and Blue Wedding

In terms of table setting style for this Red White and Blue Wedding, less is definitely more. The clean lines of the predominantly white theme lend themselves to a minimalist approach, free of clutter that is light and breezy – exactly the kind of laid back and fun vibe you’re looking for with this wedding scheme.

Instead, focus on one or two hero pieces, dotted along a longer, reclaimed wood style table to keep that all-American, backyard wedding feel. Think family-centric good times with mason jar cocktails, mix and match vintage crockery, and give a loose, laissez-faire approach to traditional seating plans.

Budget for a Red White and Blue Wedding

With such a low-key backyard feeling wedding, this Red White and Blue Wedding is definitely a more affordable option for the budget conscious bride. As there isn’t a formal sit-down meal setting and the chosen wedding venue can be so flexible, there are plenty of ways to save bits of your budget.

The only caveat here is that for this kind of outdoor weather to be a success, you’re going to need the weather on your side and enough space to pull off what you want to achieve – so a field or stretch of land is ideal. In peak summer wedding months, this might be a bit more costly than in the offseason.

Wedding Dresses & Accessories for a Red White and Blue Wedding

Okay, now we’re getting to the main event. Yes, the entire wedding is important, but we all love to try on and see a gorgeous wedding dress too! For this particular Red White and Blue Wedding, the key thing to remember is that it’s a fairly low key affair. As such, you’re probably not going to want a giant princess dress or a mermaid dress that you can’t move in.

Don’t be afraid of shorter white wedding dresses and punctuate your look with vibrant red shoes and a bold red lip. You can tie the blue in through the ribbons on your bouquet or by using blue gems on your jewelry.

Bridesmaid Dresses for a Red White and Blue Wedding

For your bridesmaid dresses, keep that laid back approach going with some short, floaty, fun and flirty dresses in a lighter blue shade. Considering that your bridal accessories and the main bulk of the wedding decor details will be a bridal red, you probably don’t want your bridesmaids in that color as well.

It’s also quite a punchy and powerful color to pull off, and clothing-wise, it’s normally a more autumnal or winter wedding style bridesmaid shade. You can always tie the theme in with white flowers or with a bold red lip, similar to the beautiful, blushing bride.

Menswear for a Red White and Blue Wedding

For your groom and your groomsmen, there is no need to give the full James Bond experience in black tuxedos. Given the atmosphere that you’re working so hard to create here, that level of formality is just going to look massively out of place.

Instead, take some cues from the natural wedding venue around you and pick a suit in a brown or navy to lessen the formality. You can hint at the red of the theme either through pocket squares or through brightly colored socks as a fun flash of color. Given the summery vibe, remember to keep it lightweight.

Outdoor Wedding Ideas for a Red White and Blue Wedding

Although it would be possible to pull off a Red White and Blue Wedding indoors, this particular wedding theme works really well outdoors. The natural use of sunlight catches the different shades and adds a brightness that just makes the wedding day feel even more luminous.

Of course, with any summertime outdoor wedding, make sure that you have plenty of water and sunscreen available for you and your guests. You should also consider how far your guests are going to have to walk from their cars to the venue itself, especially if some of your friends and family have mobility issues.

Red, White, and Blue

After a heart-breaking and horrifying week for the us here in the United States I thought that the red, white, and blue could use a little love. When thinking of this nation for inspiration of course the countryside sprang to mind, but not the rustic American farm wedding style we usually see. This time I wanted to wrap a sense of freedom and hope into it to brighten us all up a bit.

Credits: photo credits: cherry cake from Annie’s Eats // red, white & blue centerpieces from Ruffled, photographed by Michelle March, design by Julia Rohde Designs // farm animal escort cards from 100 Layer Cake, photographed by Heidi of Our Labor of Love // Saja dress by Jose Villa // mason jar drink via Emmaline Bride // farm scene by Heidi of Our Labor of Love