Moroccan Wedding

Hues of turquoise and purple make this a standout wedding! Along with Moroccan decor, rough linens, gilded cutlery and more, this wedding ceremony is both soft and vibrant at the same time. Modern Moroccan is divine and a wedding theme where every bride will glow.

This photo shoot inspiration highlights color, from the bouquet to the incredible wedding reception table. Enjoy gathering ideas!

What to Look for in a Venue for a Moroccan Wedding

When it comes to finding a wedding venue for a Moroccan inspired wedding there are some definite architectural cues that you might want to follow. What first springs to mind are the vibrant blue walls of Chefchaouen or the elaborately tiled, tranquil pools in the courtyards of the bustling cities.

On the whole, Moroccan weddings aren’t small affairs so a lot of the inspiration will have huge airy tents or massive outdoor plazas decked out with foliage and long, beautifully decorated tables. If you’re looking for a smaller Moroccan inspired wedding, think about low lighting levels and spaces to inject a bit of color.

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Food for a Moroccan Wedding

Now, a huge reason to have a Moroccan inspired wedding is obviously the food. Moroccan cuisine is definitely on the rise and if you’re having a big wedding, tagines are a great way to feed a lot of people on a budget and in a relatively small time frame, and can be customized to suit all dietary requirements.

It doesn’t all have to be heavy tagines, however – Moroccan couscous dishes and light, tangy salads are a great lighter alternative, especially if you’re having a summer wedding or are in a hotter location. The smell of Moroccan cuisine alone will automatically make your guests happier.

Budget for a Moroccan Wedding

As we’ve already outlined, Moroccan inspired weddings are rarely small affairs, and with that normally comes a large budget, especially if you want a Moroccan inspired wedding venue which are few and far between outside of Morocco.

That being said, if you really want this theme and you’re having a smaller wedding, there are plenty of ways to save money and still have the desired effect. The food is relatively cheap to make, in terms of decorations there are a lot of thrift stores and websites that carry Moroccan style lanterns, cushions, and soft furnishings for cheap that still look the part.

Wedding Invitations for a Moroccan Wedding

As the wedding invitation is the first look that a lot of your guests are going to experience of your overall wedding vision, it’s key to give them a glimpse of your Moroccan wedding theme.

You can do this stylishly and subtly in a number of ways. You might want to incorporate the iconic blue hues and tiled prints that are synonymous with Moroccan design and found throughout the country. With this kind of design it’s all about opulence, geometry and beauty, so make sure you balance it out with enough white space so that it doesn’t look messy and over the top.

Table Setting Style for a Moroccan Wedding

The beauty of having a Moroccan wedding with Moroccan cuisine is that the table setting style tends to be family style. With the huge shareable tagines, salads and couscous it really is going to be a help-yourself kind of situation on each reception table.

With this being said you don’t want too many props, details or centerpieces on the table itself because you need enough room for the sheer amount of food you’re going to be serving. A nice table setting touch, however, is to mimic the blue tiled patterns with your plates and bowls to really tie everything together.

Wedding Photo Shoot Ideas for a Moroccan Wedding

For your Moroccan inspired wedding photo shoot you’re really going to want to capture the essence of that warm, colorful, desert inspiration. Think about using your wedding venue as the main feature, especially if you have Moroccan style Riad with colorful tiling and water features.

This kind of vibrant but tranquil setting will make for really impressive photographs that will transport you back to that happy moment for years and years to come. Moroccan weddings are about community so make sure that joviality comes across, especially in the group shots. Keep it fun and light and colorful and you’ll have a great time!

Portrait Props for a Moroccan Wedding

When we are looking at portrait props for your Moroccan wedding, there are a number of items and angles you can use. As with the wedding shoot ideas, it’s a good idea to focus on your Moroccan themed surroundings such as courtyard ponds and elaborate tiling.

You can also utilize some of the tableware and food references in your Moroccan inspired portraits for added flavor and spice. For example, you and your new spouse could use a tagine and feed each other as part of your portrait. Get in the cultural spirit of sharing and community with your wonderful other half!

Ceremony Decor for a Moroccan Wedding

Ceremony decor, like a lot of the advice and pointers given, is wholly contingent on your Moroccan wedding venue. If the venue is already highly ornately decorated then it’s best not to convolute your theme with additional extras. Otherwise, the whole wedding will be an assault on the senses and nobody wants the venue to detract from the bridal party.

If you’ve got more of a blank canvas when it comes to your wedding venue then using woven fabrics, brightly colored ceramics, and desert inspired floral arrangements are all great ways of imbuing your big day with amazing Moroccan influence.

Details for a Moroccan Wedding

Again, when you’re starting to think about details it’s important not to go too over the top and go all in, otherwise, it will look messy. Pick out one or two vibrant ceramic colors like a cerulean or bright orange and run with those as accents to pick out throughout your Moroccan wedding theme.

Having tile details on your invites, tableware and along the edges of any linens are nice little details that may not seem like much but will definitely tie everything together and give your Moroccan inspired wedding a cohesive, holistic, authentic look that your guests will really appreciate.

Outdoor Wedding Ideas for a Moroccan Wedding

The beauty of a Moroccan wedding is that you can have a sort of indoor/outdoor vibe as standard. Courtyard wedding venues really lend themselves well to this kind of wedding because they’re enclosed enough to feel private and cozy but have the open air and tropical feel to them.

If you’re in a purely outdoor location, then open sided gazebos can work really well to mimic this kind of wedding theme. Remember if you’re including a lot of vibrant and colorful soft furnishings in your overall decor scheme, ensure that they’re coated in waterproof spray to keep them in good condition!

Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration

Today’s modern Moroccan inspiration shoot from the Milan based Les Amis Photo is such a fresh take on Moroccan wedding style! Typically you’ll see Moroccan themed weddings with an orange, brown, and neutral color palette, but the gorgeous purple flowers and invitation details in this shoot really take this wedding theme to a whole new level of sophistication.

And the bouquet from Il Profumo dei Fiori – wow, wow, WOW!

Purple Bridal Bouquet / Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo
Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo
Moroccan style wedding invitation / Les Amis Photo
Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo
Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo
Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo
Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo
Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo
purple flowers / Les Amis Photo
Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo
Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo
Modern Moroccan Wedding Inspiration / Les Amis Photo

From Les Amis Photo: “The theme of this shoot is a modern twist on Moroccan style, drawing inspiration from a fusion atmosphere. The stationary kit designed by Valentina of Cut and Paste Lab was inspired by the graphic decor of Moroccan architecture along with modern colors like purple and turquoise. The texture of the paper, satin ribbons, and laser cutting also added to the tactile and sensuous effect.”

“Barbara of Faramadrina styled the table with rough linen, golden rimmed china, gilded cutlery, and sturdy custard glasses to bring in an earthy luxe effect. The table decoration and centerpieces were made from wooden boxes sporting painted triangles of gold and paired with tiny succulents in glass jars.”

Credits: Photography: Les Amis Photo // Styling & Design: Fatamadrina // Floral Design: Il Profumo dei Fiori // Paper Goods: Cut and Paste Lab // Wedding Dress: Couture Hayez // Hair & Makeup: Organic Brides // Venue: Shambala Restaurant.