Love is Love Wedding

Subtle colours are the absolute star here, soft greys, beiges and a wonderfully rustic vibe make this wedding a true inspiration.

The wedding reception table, with its grey top and totally cool chairs is inviting and makes one want to join in on the fun. The wedding cake is simple and elegant. Take a look for yourself!

What to Look for in a Venue for a Love is Love Wedding

When you’re looking for a wedding venue for the theme ‘Love is Love’, you’ve got to be leading with romanticism and celebratory vibes. After all, you’ve waited for this day for a long time, it should be a party that really cements how you and your new spouse feel about each other.

With this in mind, you’re going to want to think about what love means to the two of you. Maybe it’s a beach at sunset, maybe it’s a big stately home straight out of a Jane Austen novel, maybe it’s the restaurant where you had your first date. Perhaps it’s the church you grew up in. Love means something different to everyone so when picking a wedding venue, it needs to say something to both of you.

Colour Palettes for a Love is Love Wedding

There are some common colour palettes when it comes to romantic weddings. Hues like baby pink, creams, and purples. Think those softer shades that envelop a scheme in a warm hug. Although these are popular romantic wedding colour palettes for a reason, there’s no real reason that you have to stick to pastels.

Pick any colour scheme that makes you happy and brings that celebratory atmosphere. If that’s sunshine yellow, then run with it. Love the colour green? Use it as a base. The only thing to note is that you only want to pick one or two main colours, otherwise, it might get messy.

Details for a Love is Love Wedding

If you’re trying to bring a wedding theme together and make it look cohesive, the devil is always in the details. With a Love is Love themed wedding, you can go down the love heart route either with confetti and decor, or you can have them interwoven more subtly, with driftwood hearts or packets of love heart sweets on the tables.

Alternatively, you can get personal. Have a favourite romantic book? Why not use pages from that book in your table setting scheme or to wrap your bouquet in? Love to travel? Use ticket stubs or different destinations as your detail starting point. What do you love, other than your spouse? Let that guide you.

Food for a Love is Love Wedding

Okay, we all love to talk about food, but how do you bring that into your wedding feast? You can go fancy with the known romantic foods of chocolate, strawberries, oysters, and bowls of pasta you can eat Lady and the Tramp style. That’s certainly one option.

The other way is to go more fun and informal with the foods that everyone loves. Get a taco truck, have a barbecue, and make an ice cream sundae station. Love is Love is a fun theme that’s about the joy of celebrating love. Bring that into your wedding food and it’ll be a smash hit.

Budget for a Love is Love Wedding

In the immortal words of Jennifer Lopez, ‘love don’t cost a thing’. Unfortunately, weddings do. Although there are plenty of ways to scrimp and save, and tons of ways to completely blow the budget. The temptation with this theme is to go over the top and make it the ultimate lovefest. You can go down this avenue if you want, but it’s not essential.

Stripping back this theme to its core, you’ll find the central theme is the love that you share for your new spouse and the people you’re sharing that special day with. If those people are there, then you can have as much or as little flashy expense thrown at the day and it’ll still be magical.

Wedding Invitations for a Love is Love Wedding

As one of the first things that you have to send to your guests, the wedding invites are an important first look at what you have planned for your special day. Not only does it tell your guests the logistical details for your wedding, but also the formality level and the theme that you’re leaning into.

With love being the central concept, you’re going to want to pepper your invites with the details we spoke about before. If you’re going for hearts and candy, include that in your invite, if you’re going for a more personal aspect of your and your spouse’s love, then weave that into the cards instead.

Wedding Photo Shoot Ideas for a Love is Love Wedding

With your wedding photo shoot for your Love is Love wedding, there are plenty of avenues that you can explore. Of course, there is going to be a lot of romantic embracing, kissing and emotional moments throughout this shoot, especially when it’s just the two of you, celebrating becoming a married couple.

When you want to get the larger group shots in, that element of love and fun should carry on through, creating a cohesive shoot. Hug your loved ones, let loose and get some beautiful candid shots that will hold the memories of the day for years and years to come.  

Outdoor Wedding Ideas for a Love is Love Wedding

Love isn’t restricted to indoors or outdoors so neither should your Love is Love wedding be! It’s all about what you and your new spouse want, so if you love to be out in nature, or enjoy the beach or have a family home with a big backyard that you want to get married in, then go for it.

As the song goes, love is all around, so take that and run with it. As long as you’re okay to decorate the outdoor area as you see fit and can squeeze in all the guests that you want to invite, then you guys can get married and celebrate anywhere!

Portrait Props for a Love is Love Wedding

Looking to inject a little bit more fun into your wedding photo shoot? Then it’s time to include some portrait props. Again, start with the things that you love as a couple. Love tacos – I mean who doesn’t? – then use them as a prop, feeding each other. It’ll be messy but the candid shots will be adorable and wholesome. The love will emanate from them!

If you want something calmer and less chaotic, why not use your new rings as portrait props, focusing on that new commitment and stage of your romantic journey. Get some close ups of your hands and let those rings shine through.

Wedding Reception Music and Entertainment for a Love is Love Wedding

What’s a celebration of love without some amazing music to allow you to dance the night away? Whatever vibe you’re trying to create with your Love is Love wedding, roll it through into your music choices. If you’re shaving a low-key, romantic and intimate wedding, then go for a string quartet playing covers or an acoustic band.

If you’re going all out with a bang, then bring in the big guns with either a full band or a DJ playing all the classic wedding hits. After all, nothing says love like dancing the night away, surrounded by all your favourite people who are having the best time.

Love is Love

Today is a truly exciting day here in Hawaii. A bill guaranteeing marriage equality is going to be signed into law and I couldn’t be more thrilled about this! It’s about time that the Aloha spirit applied to all.

To celebrate this amazing day here on the islands Jillian Rose Photography sent over a stylish same-sex wedding inspiration shoot with absolutely impeccable details!

Stylish Same Sex Wedding Inspiration | Jillian Rose Photography |
Vintage typewriter and anemone centerpiece | Jillian Rose Photography |
Stylish Same Sex Wedding Inspiration | Jillian Rose Photography |
Gray and purple centerpiece with thistles | Jillian Rose Photography |
Silver wedding reception table | Jillian Rose Photography |
Lace bow tie and pashminas for the guests | Jillian Rose Photography |
Metal coil escort cards | Jillian Rose Photography |
Maid of honor bouquet | Jillian Rose Photography |
Stylish Same Sex Wedding Inspiration | Jillian Rose Photography |
Find your seat wedding ceremony sign | Jillian Rose Photography |
Stylish Same Sex Wedding Inspiration | Jillian Rose Photography |
Mr Cola wedding favors | Jillian Rose Photography |
Cheesecake and wedding invitation | Jillian Rose Photography |
Lace table runner | Jillian Rose Photography |
Stylish Same Sex Wedding Inspiration | Jillian Rose Photography |
Wedding initials | Jillian Rose Photography |
Long wedding reception table | Jillian Rose Photography |
Stylish Same Sex Wedding Inspiration | Jillian Rose Photography |

I love the vintage touches, the masculine industrial feel of the silver and metal details placed against the softer purple colors, the smiling couple, thoughtful pashminas for guests, and of course I love that my state has chosen to not discriminate and to instead recognize the fact that love is love. Congratulations Hawaii and mahalo to Jillian for sharing this beautiful inspiration shoot!

Credits: Photography: Jillian Rose Photography // Film Stills: Miriam Hermansen Photography // Design & Planning: Christina Logan Design // Floral Design: Kissing Bees // Venue: Triunfo Creek Vineyards // Catering: Malibu & Vine // Rentals: A Rental Connection // Stationary: Papermints // Desserts: Buttersweet Desserts.