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Top Birthday Party venues in Glasgow, UK

Rustic, Exposed Brick and Stone Walls Basement Venue
  • £250/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Glasgow
The Grand Ballroom for Events and Parties
  • £736/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a day
  • Glasgow
The John Logie Baird Event Space
  • £148/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a day
  • Glasgow
Car Park in Glasgow
  • £123/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Glasgow
Car Parking Garage Located in Glasgow
  • £117/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Glasgow
Luxury space office studio in Glasgow City Centre
  • £45/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Glasgow

How to find Birthday Party venues in Glasgow, UK
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Frequently Asked Questions about Birthday Party venues

Do I need my own production or event insurance in Glasgow?
Yes. All renters are required to carry Comprehensive Liability and Property Damage insurance with liability coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
What protection plans are available for bookings in Glasgow on Giggster?
Giggster offers Damage Protection coverage that you can add to a booking at checkout. Learn more about Giggster's Damage Protection coverage.
What types of locations can I book in Glasgow?
You can choose from 42 types! Just search for locations in Glasgow at giggster.com, then click 'Filters' to look for something specific.
How many Birthday Party venues are available in Glasgow?
Right now, there are 3 Birthday Party venues available in Glasgow.
What payment methods does Giggster accept for Glasgow bookings?
You can pay for your booking with a credit card, or with ACH or wire transfer for bookings over $4k.
What is the cancellation policy for Glasgow guests on Giggster?
Refund options vary, based on when the booking is canceled. Learn more about Giggster's cancellation and refund policy.
What are the cleaning and safety policies for Glasgow locations on Giggster?
Now more than ever, your health and safety is our number one priority. We've outlined specific health and safety requirements for both hosts and guests. Learn more about Giggster's COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures.
What locations available near Glasgow?
You'll find up to 42 different types of locations in Glasgow. Just start a search at giggster.com and narrow things down with the 'Filter' option.
Is there an extra cost to add more attendees to my Glasgow booking?
Yes. Pricing tiers are based on group size. For example, if you booked a space for a group of 1-5 for $30/hr, the price per person is $6/hr. Each additional person would increase the rate by $6/hr.
How much are average location rentals in Glasgow?
Rental rates vary with the type and features of the location, but the average rate in Glasgow is $219 per hour.
Why should I choose Giggster over other platforms offering rentals in Glasgow?
Giggster's got your back — and we know our stuff. Our Customer Support team is knowledgeable and accessible, we offer white glove Select service to help you find the perfect location, and we're experts on the unique needs of production teams.
What is the price range for Birthday Party venues in Glasgow, UK?
Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but generally a 1-hour booking will be in the range of $45 to $736.
Which Birthday Party venues are most popular in Glasgow, UK in 2024?
How do I book a Glasgow location on Giggster?
When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.
How do I cancel a Glasgow reservation request?
You can contact our team to request a cancellation. Learn more about our cancellation policy.

Have a question about Birthday Party in Glasgow, UK? Ask our City Guides

Find Birthday Party venues in Glasgow, UK

About Glasgow

Glasgow is a treasured Scottish gem, lauded for its historic architecture, cultural gems, and lively spirit. Founded in the 6th century by St Mungo, Glasgow is known as the ‘Dear Green Place’ due to its stunning lush parks and river walks. This city has long been the nation's commercial hub with one of Europe's largest economies per capita, making it a great place to start or expand a business. Glasgow is also known for its lively celebrations that bring people together throughout the year; from Christmas markets to festivals honouring Burns Night, there’s something special happening year-round.

It is no surprise that people from all around the world come to Glasgow for memorable birthday celebrations. Whether throwing a casual dinner party at one of the city's many traditional pubs or hosting an extravagant event at a swanky venue, the city's stunning surroundings make every gathering special. No matter what your needs, you'll find something perfect for your special day in this wonderful destination.

Birthday Party Options in Glasgow

  • Photo Booth
    Hiring a photo booth for a birthday party is a fantastic idea because it adds an element of fun and entertainment for guests of all ages. It provides an opportunity for attendees to capture candid and memorable moments, creating lasting mementos of the celebration. Photo booths come with a variety of props and backdrops, allowing guests to unleash their creativity and express themselves. Additionally, the instant prints and digital copies of the photos can be shared and cherished long after the party.

  • Catering Services
    Catering services are a great way to add a special touch to your birthday party; these companies can offer creative meal and snack options, such as themed dishes or desserts. The catering staff can even decorate the area with balloons, streamers, and other festive decorations, helping make any birthday party more special and memorable for guests.

  • Party Entertainment
    Engaging entertainment is key to any successful birthday celebration; hiring a clown, magician, DJ, or photo booth can help keep everyone entertained throughout the event. From playing music to providing interactive games, party entertainment keeps guests of all ages engaged and having fun.

Birthday Party Vendors in Glasgow

  • Fabulous Photo Booth Glasgow
    Fabulous Photo Booth Glasgow is an innovative business offering a unique and memorable open-air photographic experience. The free-standing, sleek, and unobtrusive photo booth provides guests with the opportunity to capture precious memories through fun and creative photos. Professional DSLR cameras are used to ensure top-quality images. Guests can choose between single or multi-shot layouts, with customisable options available for a more personalised experience. All photographs are provided on a memory stick after the event, and guests have the option of leaving behind a note in a custom guest book.

  • Proper Food Gourmet Caterers
    Proper Food Gourmet Caterers is a professional catering and hospitality company with over 30 years of experience. They specialise in custom-made menus for special occasions, offering diverse cuisines from Mediterranean to Italian, vegetarian, and more. They also provide corporate event catering and business lunch services, along with buffet and dinner party options. Proper Food Gourmet Caterers can customise any menu to suit individual needs and tastes, ensuring that all dietary requirements are met while delivering a unique dining experience.

  • Colin Bell - Wedding & Party DJ
    Colin Bell is a professional and reliable service provider that offers one of the best DJ services in the market. With over 10 years of experience, Colin specialises in providing Ibiza-style DJ entertainment for a variety of events; from 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s to the present day RnB, Dance, Trance, House and GBX music genres, he has all the latest tracks to keep your guests on their feet all night long. He is also fully insured and his equipment undergoes a regular PAT test schedule for safety and reliability and can provide backup support from other high-end DJs in case he ever needs assistance.

Pros and Cons of Birthday Parties in Glasgow

Glasgow is Scotland's largest city and one of Britain's most vibrant, exciting, and dynamic destinations; its history, culture, and art scene make the city both interesting and entertaining to explore. However, like any other location, there may be pros and cons associated with throwing a birthday party in Glasgow, such as the following:


  • Whether you’re coming from outside of the city or within the surrounding areas, getting to Glasgow is easy with excellent public transport links.
  • Being located on the West Coast of Scotland means Glasgow enjoys mild temperatures all year round, making outdoor activities more feasible for birthday parties compared to other cities with harsher climates.

  • As Scotland’s largest city, there are plenty of options available for venues or catering services when it comes to hosting a birthday party in Glasgow.


  • Traffic congestion can be an issue when travelling into or around Glasgow due to its large population size and popularity as a city destination.

  • Parking spots can be hard to come by during busy periods which could mean longer travel times for some guests attending your event.

  • In some areas around the city, noise restrictions apply so loud music or other activities may not be permitted after certain hours, which could be disruptive if your party runs late into the night.

Tips on How to Organise Birthday Parties in Glasgow

Birthday parties are an important milestone for everyone and they should always be celebrated in the most spectacular way possible. Having a party in Glasgow is no exception as the city offers plenty of options for hosting a memorable birthday bash. Here are some tips to help you plan the perfect birthday party in Glasgow:

  • Choose the Right Venue: When choosing a venue for your birthday party, think about the type of atmosphere you want your guests to experience. Consider factors such as size, location, activities, decor, and more. Glasgow offers some great options from vibrant bars and pubs to exclusive venues with state-of-the-art audio systems.

  • Decide on a Theme: Think about setting the tone for your birthday party with a fun theme; this will help give direction when it comes to decorations and other aspects of the event planning process. Start by selecting colours or motifs that will set up the mood for the rest of your party preparations.

  • Create an Invitation List: Make sure you have an idea of your guest list before you officially book any venue or order food and beverages for your event. Knowing who exactly will be attending will help when searching for places to host the birthday celebration as well as how much food should be ordered beforehand.

  • Plan Catering Details: The food served at a party is one of its most important aspects, so make sure to offer variety when it comes to the dishes being served. Consider ordering catering services or hosting a buffet-style meal if you are expecting many guests at your event. Additionally, offering finger foods such as chips and dips will help keep everyone satisfied during their stay.

  • Book Entertainment Early: Whether you’re looking for live music or DJs, make sure entertainment is booked at least two weeks prior to your event date so everything can be finalised before guests arrive onsite.

Famous Locations in Glasgow

  • Gallery of Modern Art
    Located in Glasgow's Royal Exchange Square, the Gallery of Modern Art is a prominent centre for contemporary art. The graceful neoclassical building houses modern works from both local and international artists, making it an important stop for any art enthusiast visiting the city. As the thriving contemporary art scene around the world-renowned Glasgow School of Art has produced many Turner Prize success stories, it's no surprise that GoMA keeps visitors entertained with thought-provoking exhibitions.

  • Provand's Lordship
    Provand's Lordship is a unique and fascinating destination for history buffs seeking an authentic experience of 15th-century Scottish domestic architecture. The house, built in 1471 as a manse, is a rare example of its kind and boasts low ceilings, period furnishings, and artefacts. Visitors can wander through the rooms and marvel at its quaint and charming interiors. The upstairs room is a recreation of the early 16th-century chaplain's living space. Visitors can also explore the St Nicholas Garden, located just behind the Lordship, where the sights, sounds, and smells of a 15th-century hospital garden are brought back to life.

  • Scotland Street School Museum
    The Scotland Street School Museum stands as a historic and educational attraction, highlighting the impressive artistry of the school's designer, Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Though the school building may appear weathered and tucked away on an industrial street, the museum inside is a fascinating look into the evolution of education. With detailed reconstructions of classrooms from various points in the school's history, visitors are transported back in time, surrounded by the vintage furnishings and decor. Conveniently located opposite the Shields Road subway station, it's an engaging destination for those interested in education and architecture.