Getting to know Travis Poznachowski

Meet Travis Poznachowski. Currently the Event Coordinator at Restaurant Associates – Compass Group for Melbourne Zoo Events and Werribee Open Plains Zoo Travis has the opportunity to work with a large range of events, clients AND animals! He knows that hands on experience is the key to learning in the events industry, and would love to organise events in New York City. So join us as we get to know another great Event Pro, Travis Poznachowski…

Give us a snap shot of your career to date.

I began working within the sporting industry in a customer service role before moving into the events industry still within sport. I managed many competitions and events with a small team in this period for almost five years. I began working in my current role in 2018 and have planned and coordinated multiple conferences, seminars, family days and meetings over the past twelve months at Melbourne Zoo and Werribee Open Range Zoo.

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The most memorable event you have worked on and why?

A family day at Melbourne Zoo for Amazon where there were over 400 guests in attendance. The client was fantastic to work with and made my job easier in the planning and implementation of different activities and entertainment options. We had popcorn machines, fairy floss machines and face painters for all the kids attending and then a scavenger hunt around the zoo for everyone to participate in.

What did you ‘learn the hard way’ when planning an event?

I made the assumption a particular activity could take place without seeking approval from the correct person. Since this occurred I have ensured I have sought approval and confirmation on any activity or program I am working on with the correct person.

What are three personality traits that are required to succeed in the events industry?

The three traits I believe you need to be successful are Personable, Patience and an ability to manage your time.

If you could share one piece of advice to those starting out in the industry what would it be?

Gain as much experience and knowledge as you can, whether it be volunteering at events or paid work. The more experience you have the better off you’ll be in the long run when moving up in the events industry. You can lean on previous experiences and knowledge from other events and use those skills and practices when planning every event in the future.

If you could plan an event anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

New York. One of the biggest cities in the world and with so many tourists it would be a fantastic place to hold an event.

Favourite type of food?

Japanese – Sushi

How would your friends describe your job?

Working in the zoo surrounded by animals sounds like a very fun place and job to have.

Favourite restaurant?

I will keep it local – Chiba or Tookaiya

What do you prefer, cocktail party or sit-down dinner?

Sit down dinner

What is your ideal holiday destination?


It’s event day – heels or flats?

Would have to be flats for me, I hear heels hurt a lot.

Who would you love to invite to dinner (past or present)?

I’ll choose three. Ricky Gervais, Jason Alexander and Tiger Woods

What is your best party trick?

I can juggle, only three items though.

What is the craziest request you have ever had when planning an event?

Working within a zoo you always get requests to have different animals come into the room for close up encounters.

Why do you love your job?

I get to work with some great people. Being based in a zoo is a fantastic atmosphere and everyone is always happy and positive. It is a very healthy environment to work in. I also get to work with a variety of different clients including corporate organisations, personal groups, government departments and schools. The diversity is great.

If you weren’t working in events what would you do?

I would be working in sport in some capacity. It’s what I studied and worked in for almost six years.