Getting to know Nicole Major

Meet Nicole Major. Currently the Event Manager at Palour Group (Riley St Garage) she is just about to graduate from university studies after 6 long years studying part time by correspondence. Talking with Nicole you can tell she loves the work she does and it shines through in the awesome events she produces and the connections she makes with her clients. She loves chocolate, Whitney Houston and a Strawberry Caprioska so join us as we get to know another fabulous event pro, Nicole Major.

Give us a snap shot of your career to date

I studied at The International College of Management, Sydney and left with a Bachelor of Business Admiration with a Major in Event Management in conjunction with Macquarie University. While studying I started working in events with Merivale as a waiter. After three years and learning skills in food, beverage and management I left my then position as an Event Supervisor for a more stable position which lead me to Lynwood Country Club to set up their corporate, private and wedding packages etc.

From here I moved to Public Dining Room on Balmoral Beach looking after all events, administration and marketing. After five years here and almost ten years in the industry it was time for a change resulting in leaving without anywhere to go and three and a half months off trying to figure it out I landed as Event Manager for Parlour Group looking after specifically, Riley St Garage, Busby & Stanton & Co.

Six years ago now I made the decision to study by correspondence and this month has seen me submit what I hope is my final assessment, I now wait till the end of the month for results. At the conclusion I will be walking away with a Bachelor of Business with a speciality in Marketing, Promotion and PR from Charles Sturt University.

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The most memorable event you have worked on and why?

There are a lot to choose from and all for different reasons but its actually the events that are held for personal reasons that pop into mind when I think about this question. The birthdays, the christenings, weddings, even wakes. They are all celebrations that are being held and mean something to someone else and they are trusting you to bring it to life and be a part of it.

My favourite birthday celebration was at Public Dining Room for Graydon King, a regular diner celebrating his 70th birthday and working with himself and his wife, Wendy, was an absolute pleasure. They were open to ideas that could make the evening special for everyone and it was always, and still is, a pleasure to see them pop in and say hi!

My FAVOURITE wedding was a canape one for Natalie & Mitch Waters in 2015. This couple was AMAZING! So chilled and laid back and so in love! I loved chatting to Natalie about anything, not just wedding things but general stuff. The unexpected phone calls and laughs made it one to remember and the wedding night was no different! Their family and friends were just the same and they all took in their stride when it decided to bucket down on them while having their ceremony at the rotunda! Natalie is the only client in ten years that I have befriended on social media and had the pleasure of witnessing her growth as a business woman, wife and now mother! Each year when it pops up that it is their anniversary and a beautiful picture and words is posted by her it always puts a little smile on my face as I was lucky enough to be involved in that day!

What did you ‘learn the hard way’ when planning an event?

Plans never go to plan. No matter how organised and structured you think your event is, it will never run the same way as on paper. If you aren’t adaptable then this is when things go south.

What are three personality traits that are required to succeed in the events industry?

1.Passionate – if you don’t love everything about events (the good and bad) don’t do it!
2.Team player – an event is more then just the manager/planner/coordinator. It is everyone that has a hand in any part of it
3.Open minded – the answer to a question/request from a client should never be “no”. If it is something that you have never done before the answer should be “let me see”. Everything should be possible to make every event what a client wants it to be, if not more.

If you could share one piece of advice to those starting out in the industry what would it be?

Breathe! The events industry is in no way as fabulous as everyone thinks. It is hard work and can be long hours! The best thing to learn and actively implement is the ability to breathe and take a step back when (excuse the language) ‘shit gets real’

What song always gets you on the dance floor?

Whitney Houston ‘I Wanna Dance With Somebody’

Favourite type of food?


How do you unwind after a big event?

Hugs with my furbaby and chilling with my BF, if its really tough wine!

Where do you go for creative inspiration?


When entertaining at home what do you cook?

Cheese and cured meats are an expected staple whenever anyone is at my house! They are pretty amazing if I do say so myself

What do you prefer, cocktail party or sit-down dinner?

A fan of both! Depends on the occasion and the people attending

What’s your drink of choice at an event?

Strawberry Caprioska

It’s event day – heels or flats?


Who would you love to invite to dinner (past or present)?


Best event styling tip?

Keep it simple!

What is your best party trick?

I have a crazy long tongue and can stroke my nose with it

What is the craziest request you have ever had when planning an event?

Gold fish to be used as part of the table centrepieces to then be taken by the guests at the conclusion of the event.