Getting to know Megan Peters

To be named, EVENT MANAGER OF THE YEAR (read in a booming voice and to the sound of cheering fans) you have to be pretty special and someone who we’d love to feature in our Getting to know an Event Birdie Pro series.

So, we’re pretty excited that Megan Peters – who was recently crowned Event Manager of the Year at the Meeting and Events Australia Awards – has agreed to answer a few questions and share some insight into her career with us.

Megan Peters, is currently the Event Director at International Productions, the Chair of MEA NSW AND teaches the next generation of Event Managers at the College of Event Management, Sydney.

On top of that, Megan is a mum, a wife, a sister, a daughter and a good friend (although some of them doubt her organisational skills – see below).

Like many in the event industry, she started off in a hotel banqueting department and from there Megan has built an amazing [and award-wining] career… So let’s dive right in and learn a little more about this fabulous Event Professional…

Give us a snap shot of your career to date.

I started my career in hospitality and worked up to Assistant Banquet Manager in a 5 star hotel before making the switch to Event Planning. After several years in hotels and venues, I moved into the world of off-site catering as General Manager of Avocado Group before going on maternity leave to have my daughter. On return to work, I went agency side and have enjoyed a variety of roles in production and event management since. I’m now Event Director at International Productions.

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The most memorable event you have worked on and why?

The Nu-Skin China incentive – it was a massive event which I organised within the freelancing period of my career through Triumph Leisure Solutions. It was an amazing event – Welcome Reception, Group Photo, Workshop and Gala dinner for 4,000 guests. The Welcome Reception was my main focus, while I was also across all other elements of the event.

What did you ‘learn the hard way’ when planning an event?

Don’t wear heeled boots to a stadium event that is happening on the grass – the groundskeeper wouldn’t let me on the grass so I had to do the first part of bump-in barefoot until the shops opened and I could go buy flats…

What are three personality traits that are required to succeed in the events industry?

Resilience, resourcefulness and responsibility

If you could share one piece of advice to those starting out in the industry what would it be?

Be kind to everyone and treat all with respect – you never know who you are talking to and the role they will play in your future.

What song always gets you on the dance floor?

500 Miles by The Proclaimers

If you could plan an event anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

In a South African safari lodge, it is such an inspiring part of the world.

Favourite type of food?


How would your friends describe your job?

How do you manage to organise events when you can’t even organise a night out?

Words to live by?

There is always something for which to be thankful

When entertaining at home what do you cook?

My husband is a chef so he cooks and I eat whatever I am given!

What do you prefer, cocktail party or sit-down dinner?

Sit-down dinner

What’s your drink of choice at an event?

White wine

It’s event day – heels or flats?

Flats all the way

What is the craziest request you have ever had when planning an event?

A client wanted to fly out 50 gophers from an international destination to the event to collect towels for VIP guests and tend to their every requirement (There were about 20 VIP guests at the event)

Why do you love your job?

The variety, the people and the reward

If you weren’t working in events what would you do?

Be a police officer