Best Drone Videographers Shooting Aerial Cinematography in Daytona Beach, FL

If you are looking to take your video content to the next level this year, you’ll want to work with one of Daytona Beach’s most popular drone videographers shooting aerial cinematography.

Drone videographers have all of the equipment and certifications that are required to shoot content from overhead. This can help to bring your company or personal videos to life in a whole new way.

Keep reading as we meet some of the top drone videographers near Daytona Beach.

The Sky Shark

The Sky Shark is an aerial production company based in Daytona Beach. Their team travels around the state of Florida, capturing content from overhead for your company or family.

Their team has FAA commercial licensing and has completed hundreds of shoots during the past few years. They have the experience and knowledge to bring your ideas to life and create content that will wow any audience.

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High Exposure Aerial Photography

High Exposure Aerial Photography offers drone videography and photography services for businesses in Daytona Beach. They know how advantageous it could be to real estate agents and businesses to have content that is shot from above to show the scale of a building or project.

The team often works with businesses that target a younger audience. They know that millennials are particularly drawn to this type of video content and will bring your home to life on the screen with their expertise.

Spirit Drone Services

As a small business within Daytona Beach, you’ll find that Spirit Drone Services will give you the attention you need to create the perfect content for your business. The company is owned by a marine vet, who created the company to serve local businesses with high-quality photos and videos.

They understand that not everyone has the budget to work with huge companies to create exciting content. They have the lowest prices in the area and so make a great option for other small companies.

Sparktech Imagery

Sparktech Imagery offers almost any service you could imagine in the Daytona Beach area. They have a wide range of talented professionals working with them, who will travel throughout the country to work with your business.

While they are located in Central Florida, they love traveling to cover events throughout the state. They have all the equipment and knowledge that’s needed to make your visions come to life with their drone videographers.

Sky High Views

The owner of Sky High Videos started life as a pilot, so as you can imagine, you are in good hands when working with their company. They offer real estate, travel, and commercial videography, all of which will make your marketing stand out online.

With so much experience flying, you’ll find that the results you receive are absolutely incredible. They’ll work with you to find the right angles to bring any property or place to life in a way you never expected.

Find a location in Daytona Beach for your next film or photo shoot, meeting, or event.