6 Reasons to Use a Wedding Planner

So, you’re starting to think about planning your big day. There’s so much to do and think about, it can be really overwhelming. With lists and long deadlines to hit, friends and family members putting in their two cents, and organization needed at every turn, it’s a lot to deal with.

Planning an outdoor event? Or wondering if you’d be happiest with getting married indoors? There are many decisions to make. That’s why many couples choose to use a wedding planner.

There are a lot of great reasons to use a wedding planner for your big day, so let’s dive in and discover the six biggest benefits of doing so. You’ll see why Ksenia and Dimity left the details to their trusted wedding planner – scroll the images to see the amazing result!

Less stress

Fundamentally, the number one reason that people opt to use a wedding planner is that it lowers the stress levels for everyone involved. Weddings are no small things and there are often huge expectations on the happy couple to create a memorable experience for every single wedding guest.

In recent studies, planning a wedding was up there with moving house or getting a new job in terms of stress levels. Honestly, it’s not the vibe that we want going into what is supposedly one of the happiest days of our lives. Having a professional on your side that can handle all the big decisions and day-to-day running of the wedding process can be a real stress-buster.


In an ideal world, the majority of us only want to get married once. That means that it’s unlikely that you’ll know all the vendors that you’ll need, or have those connections. The exception to this rule is if you have friends or family members that have recently gotten married and you want a similar ambiance, but the downside of this is the comparisons and the fact that you have to listen to all their advice – the good, bad and the ugly!

Wedding planners do this day in, day out, so they have all the connections and some great working relationships. They know who is the best choice for certain kinds of weddings or atmospheres. They also know who to avoid, which is valuable information that many of us mere mortals simply don’t have.

Deals to be had

Weddings are expensive. There’s no getting around that. Even if you have an affordable wedding or a town hall affair, there are still a lot of little costs and details that add up. Although hiring a wedding planner might seem like an unnecessary expense, especially if you’re a Type A, organized personality, they might pay for themselves and more in the savings that they can provide.

This ties in closely with wedding planners having tons of connections and working relationships with local wedding vendors. Think of it like a loyalty or bulk buy discount. If they keep using the same florist or bakery and repeatedly give them business, month after month, they’re likely to give them trade rates that you’re unlikely to get if you as a bride go to them directly, on a one-off basis.

Less politics

Okay, so this is a biggie. As much as everyone says that it’s your big day, that it’s all about you, there is a ton of politics that can go into planning a wedding. From your mom wanting to invite five of her friends at fifty bucks a head, to your brother wanting his new girlfriend to be the photographer because she’s “just starting out and needs a break”, to deciding who should and shouldn’t come to hen dos, bridal showers and more, it can be a minefield.

If you have a wedding planner, they’re the ones who are organizing everything so people are less likely to take certain decisions personally or take it out on the bride or groom. Even though you make all the final decisions, the wedding planner is the one with the initial options, so it’s a professional decision, not a personal one.

Enjoy the big day

Some people think that the planning of a wedding ends on the morning of the big day. Newsflash: it definitely doesn’t. As much as you plan, things go wrong all the time. People arrive late, vendors arrive early, there’s traffic on the way to the venue, and the best man is still tipsy from the night before. There are a lot of things that still need handling.

Honestly, as a bride or groom, you do not want to be dealing with all of this. You want to be blissfully unaware of any issues and just enjoy your big day. That’s exactly what a wedding planner provides you with. They’ll run around, putting out fires and keeping all the issues out of sight and out of mind, leaving you free to thrive on the happiest day of your and your new spouse’s lives.

Keeps an eye on the little things and the big picture

We all know some of the big ticket items that go into a wedding. Things like a venue, wedding dresses, cakes, invites – all of those kinds of things. There are also a lot of little details that we often forget about or simply don’t even know about. Things like dietary requirements, transport between venues, makeup artists, table decorations, and generators for outdoor lighting or music. Even if you get a printable to-do list off Pinterest, it’s hard to keep track of it all.

A wedding planner will be able to keep on top of all of these kinds of things – both the big and the small. Crucially, they’ll also be able to keep everything cohesive and on-theme. When there are loads of little bits that are bought over the course of a few months, if not years, it can be difficult to keep an eye on the bigger picture. Wedding planners do this all the time, so they’re attuned to this kind of big-scale event organisation.

Many people use a wedding planner, all for different reasons, including to reduce stress, make the most of their connections and discounts, remove any politics from the big day, and more. Whatever your reason, hiring a wedding planner can be an essential part of creating your perfect wedding day. Enjoy the process and the wedding!

This couple left everything up to their wedding planners!

From the bride, Ksenia – “Dimitry and I were engaged for a very long time with lots of special moments (which also became our wedding theme) so when it came to planning for our big day we knew that we just wanted to enjoy it.

We clicked so well with the Mrs. Maxim Wed Bureau that we left everything to them: the concept, theme, details, and planning! We did this because we also wanted our wedding to be a surprise to us, so that we could enjoy each surprise along with our closest family and friends!”

From Mrs. Maxim Wed Bureau – “Ksenia & Dimitry’s wedding was one of our most beautiful and extravagant weddings yet! We sought to build and plan a wedding design that showed their uniqueness: the bride’s elegant yet joyous mindset and the groom’s refined taste – and all while incorporating their ‘special moments’ theme!”

From Mrs. Maxim Wed Bureau – “We brought a lot of attention to the details, décor, and entertainment at this wedding by using:
– Velvet and calligraphy designer invitations
– Gift packs for all the guests
– Semi-precious stones used throughout the decorations
– Live peacocks and vintage furniture at the wedding ceremony
– A modern welcome area with a sweet bar made from wood pallets
– Gymnasts, musicians, and fireworks for entertainment.”

From the Florist – “We had a million ideas when it came to working with this wonderfully trusting bride and groom. Every florist and stylist know what a treat it is to have an opportunity to create with no boundaries!

Our favorite creation of Ksenia & Dimity’s wedding was the ceremony space: a branch covered with peonies, delphiniums and paired with mustard colored furniture creating a really dreamy space for our couple to say I DO!”

Credits: Photography: Anastasia Volkova // Planning, Styling, & Design: Mrs. Maxim Wed Bureau // Flowers: Flowers Lovers // Videography: Studio Moments // Music: Sound Sense // MC & Host: Mikhail Belyanin // Terrariums & Semi-Precious Stones: Blossom Universe // Cake: Atelier Chocolat // Macarons & Desserts: Tea Bakery Café // Print: Print My Dream // Makeup: Arina Artemova // Hair: Olya Iudina // Dresses: Pronovias, La Sposa, and one handmade by bride’s best friend // Bride’s Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Valentino, and Rene Caovilla // Groom’s Suit: Tom Ford // Groom’s Shirt: Dolce & Gabbana // Groom’s Shoes: Church’s // Rings: Tiffany & Co. and DeBeers.