Catching up with Ruby Chronis before ATP Closes for Good

When many of us that work in the events industry think of the Australian Technology Park (ATP), we not only think of those expansive exhibition halls with their industrial pillars and polished concrete floors, we also think of Ruby Chronis. ATP and Ruby go together like Champagne and canapés – always a winning event combo.Having worked at this amazing venue for over 17 years, Ruby is a true events professional and is highly regarded by her peers, colleagues and clients far and wide.

So, as Ruby and her team prepare to pack up their clipboards and business cards and close the doors on their unique venue for the very last time, we were delighted that Ruby could spare us some time for a quick chat. Join us as we learn what Ruby will miss most, what the future holds and gain some fab insight from an amazing event pro.

How long have you worked at ATP? Was it always in the same role?

I’ve had the pleasure of working at ATP for 17 years! I’ve been in various roles under 10 different managers including;

General Manager – Director Sales & Marketing, UrbanGrowth NSW

Director of Sales, Redfern Waterloo Authority (SMDA)

Business Development Manager, Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority

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What is the most memorable event you have worked on at ATP and why?

The MTV Australia Awards in 2008 – not only did it highlight ATP on an international platform it highlighted Redfern in a positive light.

Having celebrities walking around the venue was an added perk for the team, and the businesses onsite were charmed to see the likes of Kim Kardashian, Ruby Rose and many more.

What did you ‘learn the hard way’ when planning an event at ATP?

Communication and attention to detail is key. In my time, I have seen some events executed brilliantly and some fail miserably due to lack of both.

What will you miss most about working at ATP?

Everything! ATP is a fantastic place to work. I will miss my team, my peers, clients and all the people that surround me at the park – it’s a great community and it has been my pleasure and privilege to be a part of this community for so long.

What are your plans for post-ATP?

There are some short term plans ready to activate, however my focus will be on the longer-term plans… stay tuned!

OK, now for some light-hearted questions…

What song always gets you on the dance floor?

Cha Cha Slide

Favourite type of food?

Clean healthy food and I love dessert. Sounds crazy, I know.

How would your friends describe you?

Inspiring, Strong, Creative, Focused.

How do you unwind after a big event?

A massage.

Favourite restaurant?

I have two:

Amber in Hong Kong and Le Bernardin in New York

When entertaining at home what do you cook?

Seafood or something Greek

Best event you’ve been to as a guest?

Again, I’ve got two:

Gold Dinner and the year we hosted Dreamtime at ATP

What do you prefer, cocktail party or sit-down dinner?

Sit down dinner.

What is your ideal holiday destination?

Arosa Switzerland – Anywhere with an amazing spa.

It’s event day – heels or flats?

Flats if working – Heels if networking.

What is the craziest request you have ever had when planning an event?

To approve a lion walking into the exhibition hall with its keeper (my immediate mental picture was a lion roaming the streets of Redfern).

Why do you love your job?

It has so much variety, creativity and I love the industry.

Here at Event Birdie we want to thank Ruby and her amazing team of Event Pros for always being such a pleasure to work with. We wish them all the best with their next career move and hope to cross paths again soon.