A Day in the Life of Christi Kluge

What does Christi Kluge, this week’s event pro, do on a typical day? The Experience and Events Manager for From Here On is in charge of making sure that visitors and guests at Gasworks have a productive and creative day.  She is a fountain of knowledge about the space and the surrounding area and loves that every day is different. So, join us as we experience a day in the life of Christi Kluge…

5:30 am (ok really 6) | Alarms Are The Worst

Alarms are the worst.  Never, ever have I ever set an alarm to have a nice, relaxing “me day” but, acceptance is key and real people have to work.

And so, while I may be alarmed at 5:30, my old friend “the snooze” button steps in for another 30 min.  Every now and then this is replaced by a bit of insta scrolling but either way, I am not up and in the shower on time.

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7:15 am | Running Out The Door

I’m running out the door, hoping for a coffee stop before the ferry.  This is when the daily wondering comes in. Who ARE all of these people who seem to effortlessly cruise through their morning routines?  And raise children!  Must be aliens. I’m not sure if the ferry man has ever seen my face or he just feels the gust as I zip past to my seat with relief.

I’ve made it.  And then, just like that, work brain is on and organized Christi has stepped in.  I re-brief on today’s group booking and get a bit excited.  We’ve got a creative offsite booked in today and they’re usually full of fun and positive energy.

8:30 am | Into The Office

Into the office.  It may look like a cover shoot for this month’s hottest design mag but, no, it is in fact; an office, a board room, a training site, a movie theatre, or a product launch site.  Every day is different, and well, I’m excited to be a part of it.

9:00 am | Doors Open

The doors are now open as today’s group meander in for their day away from the desks. They’re a lively bunch and ask heaps about the space.

I tell them a bit about Gasworks and it’s connection to FromHereOn as I get them settled into their new workspace for the day. The space has been created to be a place where people can feel at home while being at work, a place to encourage learning, openness, collaboration and growth – and it is doing this so far!

Now, it’s time to get cracking on new leads and follow ups.  I have a quick giggle as insta notifications pop up from the group.

12:00 pm | Lunch Time

I can tell it is lunchtime as our creative minds pour onto the balcony for a quick bite and recharge.  This gives me a few minutes to pop in and refresh the room. I also get to play information planet to those who are already planning to partake in Barangaroo’s lively after work scene.

1:00 pm Back To It

They’re all back in session so I get some time to help the caterers to get things back to ship shape. Then it is time to jump back into emails and bookings.

5:00 pm | Pump Up The Volume

5 o’clock arrives and so does the volume.  The workday had ended for our team and its’ time for a drink.  The balcony is in play as are all of our lounge spaces.

It’s easy to see the benefit of a day away from the office when you look around.  Smiles and chatter from a group that may be bolting for the door at 5 pm on a normal office day.

7.00 pm | Done and Dusted

The group is gone, the venue back to normal, and I’m on my way home for my own sunset drink on the balcony. Tomorrow’s event is an evening product launch and I quickly check my timings and contacts before switching over to look for social tags and posts.

Once home, I putter around checking to see what expensive plant my cat has decided to eat and destroy today (should have got a goldfish).

10:00 pm | Lights out

If you message me after this, don’t feel bad, I don’t hate you, I’m just probably not conscious.  I’ve legit slept through a hurricane before so it’ll take more than a baby iPhone chime to alert me.