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Top venues in Oxford, UK

1980's chalet bungalow located within Oxford City
  • £150/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Oxford
Bar/Club In World Famous, Unique Historic Building
  • £175/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • Oxford
Cozy and relaxing Restaurant in Oxford
  • £100/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (1)
  • 1
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Oxford
All In One Studio for Rehearsal and Recording
  • £58/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Oxford
Traditional Persian restaurant in Oxford
  • £50/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Oxford
Oxford's Modern Cocktail Bar
  • £30/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a day
  • Oxford
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Wedding in Oxford, UK

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price range for locations in Oxford?
Booking prices vary with the property type, features, and rental length, but rates generally range from $30 to $175 per hour for spaces in Oxford.
What is the most popular attendee range in Oxford?
Group size varies with the type of event or activity, but 1-5 people is a popular range in Oxford.
What is the average hourly minimum for locations in Oxford?
The average minimum booking time is 3 hours for locations in Oxford.
What is the average square feet of locations in Oxford?
There's a great range of spaces in Oxford, with an average size of 3937 square feet.
What are the most popular locations in Oxford?
How many locations are available for rent in Oxford?
There are currently 6 locations available in Oxford.
Which location types are most popular in Oxford?
Oxford is a popular spot for Event Space, Bar and Club locations.
How many location types are available in Oxford?
Right now, there are at least 7 of different types of locations in Oxford.
How do I book a Oxford location on Giggster?
When you find the right venue, you can connect with the host to get additional info and work out the details. Once everything is all set, you can book and pay for the location in a couple of clicks. Learn more about booking locations.
How do I cancel a Oxford reservation request?
You can contact our team to request a cancellation. Learn more about our cancellation policy.

Find unique spaces for rent in Oxford, UK

About Oxford

Oxford is an architecturally-stunning city with twists and turns of quaint streets that lead to some of the most fascinating spots. If you are lucky enough, your visit to the city will present an Alice in Wonderland experience, encounters with the magic of Harry Potter, or secrets to unlock the door to Narnia!

It's a disservice not to mention that England's former capital houses one of the world's most prestigious universities. We are talking about Oxford University which goes back some 922 years in history. Home to The Lord of the Rings books author, JRR Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, who penned Alice in Wonderland, and The Chronicles of Narnia writer CS Lewis; it's fair to say that Oxford sparks creativity and imagination.

Oxford served as a production location for the Harry Potter movies, and Emma Watson schooled in the city. If you are in the market for an event space, filming location, or meeting venue in Oxford; start your search with confidence.

Attractions in Oxford

Oxford is an all-around intriguing destination. The city is also filled with attractions ranging from record-setting landmarks like Oxford's Botanical Garden, which is the oldest on the planet, to inspiring spaces highlighted in some of the world's beloved publications and productions.

  • The Bodleian Library
    One of the biggest and oldest Britain libraries, the Bodleian Library is a sight to behold. Both the interior and exterior boast mind-blowing architecture, some that have been in existence since the middle-ages. Be sure to visit The Divinity School, one of the most ornately decorated rooms that also shows up in Harry Potter films.

  • Oxford Castle and Prison
    Enjoy a guided tour of the notable Oxford Castle and Prison that dates back 1000 years. Characters in costumes tell the stories hilariously. Furthermore, visitors climb the Saxon St George's Tower to enjoy a 360-degree panoramic city view. On special days, you will be part of exciting events the castle hosts for extra fun.

  • Oxford City Centre
    The heart of Oxford offers plenty of splendid attractions and activities. Start your tour at Carfax, where the four principal streets of the city meet for incredible views. Other attractions worth visiting at the Oxford City Centre include Pembroke College and Modern Art Oxford, a visual gallery focusing on art exhibitions, movies, music, and talks.

  • The Radcliffe Camera
    A distinctive landmark, the Radcliffe Camera offers the most iconic Oxford Sights. Its architecture is one of the earliest examples of a circular library in England. The working library has around 600,000 books covering different subjects. The Rad Camera houses the History Faculty Library and is also part of the famed Bodleian Library.

  • Sheldonian Theatre
    Sir Christopher's Wren's second significant building, the multipurpose and superb Sheldonian Theatre, was constructed in 1664. The venue's ceiling fresco holds particular interest, with thirty-two originally painted panels. The theatre is used chiefly for lectures, concerts, and theatrical performances. Additionally, it hosts various ceremonial occasions for the University of Oxford.

Production Locations in Oxford

The city that brought forth authors of the biggest books turned films has also hosted its share of filming crews. Oxford production spaces have been featured in several globally-popular films including the Harry Potter movies and The Golden Compass.

  • Open Tennis Courts
    Open tennis courts function as film shoot locations in Oxford for productions like music videos, documentaries, and features. They can equally stand in for various other sports grounds and provide the room to build customized sets for your production. Making a dance video, perhaps? Rent an open tennis court in Oxford for your upcoming video shoot production.

  • Chalets and Manors
    The 2015 James Bond movie Spectre captured some of England's iconic locations on the screen. Bleinheim Palace was one of the production locations in Oxford and it stood for the Palazzo Cadenza in the movie. The 2014 flick A Little Chaos also featured Blenheim Palace, but any other chalet or stately manor could have equally worked.

  • Parks and Gardens
    Steven Spielberg's 1998 film Saving Private Ryan also found several suitable filming locations in Oxford. Most notably, the Thame Park Chapel stood in for the French countryside in the film. Parks and gardens as film shoot venues provide the versatility of substitution given that travel is often a costly affair when it comes to the production process.

  • Hotels and Motels
    The 1993 movie Shadowlands was essentially an ode to Oxford's production locations. Various familiar places are seen in the film including Magdalen College, Duke Humfrey's Library, Magdalen Bridge, and the Randolph Hotel. Most motels and hotels offer plenty of spaces that can serve as diverse filming venues.

  • Taverns and Inns
    The Trout Inn was amongst the locations featured in the 1997 movie The Saint. Much like what is seen in the espionage thriller, taverns and inns offer stunning recording spaces and it goes a notch higher if you secure one in the countryside as a production space in Oxford.

Event and Meeting Venues in Oxford

The selections of meeting and event venues in Oxford present an enchanting experience laced with the magic of the city's love for written publications. From library restaurants to sprawling green grounds; you'll come across wonderful event spaces all around the city for your next function.

  • Gardens and Courtyards
    Gardens and courtyards provide the magical backdrop needed to celebrate joyous occasions. From weddings to baby showers, such outdoor event venues in Oxford offer an air of enchantment. They allow you to truly make the space your own with the help of customized event rentals. Why not book a beautiful walled garden in Oxford for your forthcoming gathering?

  • Cocktail Bars and Clubs
    Cocktails bars and clubs host their fair share of stag parties, stand-up comedy acts, and musical performances. The fact that a majority serve drinks and food makes them the perfect choice for hosting casual gatherings. You can find selections of both vintage-themed and contemporary event spaces in Oxford.

  • Restaurants and Cafes
    Many birthdays, bridal showers, receptions, and celebratory dinners have been hosted at restaurants and cafes. They are the best event and meeting spaces in Oxford because the establishments are fully structured to entertain guests. A majority provide event planning services to boot.

  • Open Tennis Court
    Open tennis court spaces provide versatile spaces that can host diverse gatherings ranging from sporting events to celebratory gatherings and meetings. From weddings to mini markets; the possibilities are endless when it comes to using such spaces as event locations in Oxford.

  • Drawing Rooms
    Drawing rooms are by nature large spaces meant to receive and entertain guests. They are ideal for occasions like engagement parties, rehearsal dinners, book readings, and discussion events.