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Hair salon...large open space
  • £50/hr
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  • Responds within 1 hr
  • London
  • £90/hr
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  • 5.0 (0)
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  • Responds within a day
  • Norwich
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an average Pop Up space cost to rent?
Pop Up space rates typically average $64 per hour.
What is the attendee limitation of average Pop Up spaces?
Attendee limits often vary with the size and features of a Pop Up space, but average 36 people per booking.
What is the average hourly minimum of Pop Up spaces?
The average minimum booking time for Pop Up spaces is 4 hours.
What is the average square feet of a Pop Up space?
There's a great range of Pop Up spaces available, with an average size of 4643 square feet.
What are the most popular Pop Up spaces on Giggster?

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About Pop Ups

A pop up can be a wonderful way to boost your brand, grow your business, and gain exposure to an entirely new audience. Alternatively, it can just be a way to entertain, excite, and amuse.

Pop ups take many forms — art exhibits, retail stores, performance spaces, and many other options — but there’s one factor that’s crucial to the success of any pop up, which is finding the ideal space. The best pop-up spaces not only attract plenty of attention but also attract attention from your target audience.

So how do you find the perfect pop-up venue for your needs? Let’s take a closer look.

The Best Pop Up Venues

The best pop up venue for one person or business won’t be the same for the next. The right space for you is one that offers the right look, location, ambiance, features, and price, so it’s worth comparing a range of options before making your final decisions. These pop up venues are just a handful of the popular choices worth considering.

  • Lofts
    Provided it’s in a convenient location, a well-maintained loft can be a memorable pop up space. Think of an open and airy feel, plenty of natural light, and features like exposed beams and brickwork creating a stunning backdrop to showcase your wares.

  • Studios
    The great thing about studios is that you can tailor them to look just the way you want. With the right lighting, art, decor, and furniture, you can create a pop up location that puts your brand front and center.

  • Shopping Malls
    Shopping malls offer a variety of options in terms of pop up spaces. In addition to conventional retail spaces, you also have the option of setting up a kiosk or booth to take advantage of passing foot traffic.

  • Event Spaces
    Some event spaces can be easily transformed into interesting and attractive pop up venues. These versatile spaces boast beautiful decor, flexible layouts, and easy accessibility, making them ideal venues for creating unique pop ups. With abundant natural light and a super-convenient location, this beautiful open-concept space offers pop-up perfection.

  • Pedestrian Malls
    Looking for a high-traffic area where you can attract plenty of eyeballs and take advantage of FOMO? Pedestrian malls are your friend, allowing you to set up in a spot that’s impossible to miss and form an instant connection with your target audience.

What to Look for in Pop Up Spaces

There’s a lot of thought that goes into choosing an awesome pop up space. Instead of just choosing the first venue you find, it’s about forming a clear picture of exactly what you want to achieve with your pop up, then finding a space that matches your needs. Keep the following factors in mind when comparing pop up spaces.

  • Location, Location, Location
    You don’t have to be a genius to work out that the location of your pop up has a huge bearing on the results it will deliver. The location you choose should be one that attracts as many eyeballs as possible and be in an area where you’re most likely to find your target audience. A central location often works best, but that’s not always the case — if you’re selling surfboards, for example, you’ll be better off at the beach than in the heart of a big city.

  • What’s Nearby
    Speaking of your target audience, take some time to consider what other shops and attractions are nearby. If your target market is women aged 35-45, for example, are they likely to frequent the venues nearby? Will there be enough foot traffic through the area for you to continually attract new business?

  • Essential Features and Amenities
    Now it’s time to think about all the nitty-gritty details that can turn a good pop-up space into a great one. Some things to consider include whether there is Wi-Fi, how accessible it is, if it has restrooms, and if there is private parking. Put together a checklist of the features your pop-up venue absolutely must have, then use that list to help you narrow down your options.

  • Price
    Finally, the price will also be a key factor that determines the space you choose. Work out a budget in advance so you know exactly how much you can afford to spend to lock in the perfect pop up location.

Pop Up Inspiration

Need some inspiration to help you find a pop up space that will wow your audience? Check out these great ideas.

  • Gorgeous Gallery Spaces
    Gallery spaces are already set up to allow you to showcase your work in the best possible light. They’re often warm and inviting spaces with great lighting and all the features you need to stand out from the crowd. With timber beam ceilings and plenty of natural light, this beautiful gallery space offers you a blank canvas to work with.

  • Light and Bright Lofts
    Head downtown and up top to find the perfect loft space to host your pop up. With lots of natural light, spacious surrounds, and eye-catching architectural highlights, they’ll offer a unique backdrop for your brand or work.

  • Modern Shopping Malls
    Sometimes a conventional retail setting is the best option for anyone looking to attract new customers, boost sales, or build brand awareness. You can set up shop in a vacant storefront if you wish or set up a booth in a high-traffic area to put your brand in front of as many different people as possible. Best of all, you can rest assured that the people in the mall are in the mood to shop.

  • Pretty Public Parks
    If the weather permits, head into the great outdoors to find a pop up space in a local park. With the sun shining and people and pets enjoying spending time in nature, you’ll be perfectly placed to connect with your target audience