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Top Concert venues

Studio Green
  • £85/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (6)
  • 6
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
Warehouse Kitchen & Cove
  • £85/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (8)
  • 8
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
All In One Bar & Restaurant in London
  • £95/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (2)
  • 2
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • London
Contemporary Bar with Outdoor Terrace
  • £65/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (4)
  • 4
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • London
Proper East End Traditional Pub
  • £100/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (4)
  • 4
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • London
Relaxing Spanish Bar
  • £125/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
  • Instant book
  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Deritend
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What people say about Concert on Giggster

Madoc S.
$ 310
4 hours
5 people
10 months ago
Great location! Alison and Manuel were friendly and very helpful in setting up the location before arrival, and having the option of using two floors within the studio gave me a lot to work with which made my production run smoothly Would highly recommend!
Zen M.
$ 345
3 hours
10 people
2 years ago
Just as advertised, truly a proper East End traditional pub, if you're seeking authenticity for your next location, look no further! We loved it! Lauren was very accommodating and a pleasure to work with. Thanks again for all your help!
Adrian A.
$ 204
2 hours
5 people
3 years ago
Roberto was extremely helpful and made the production process very easy! He was extremely accommodating on the day, and his professionalism was outstanding. I would definitely recommend Little Big Studios, and I sure know where to go in the future!!
Zen M.
$ 345
3 hours
10 people
2 years ago
Just as advertised, truly a proper East End traditional pub, if you're seeking authenticity for your next location, look no further! We loved it! Lauren was very accommodating and a pleasure to work with. Thanks again for all your help!

How to find Concert venues

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an average Concert venue cost to rent?
Concert venue rates typically average $95 per hour.
What is the attendee limitation of average Concert venues?
Attendee limits often vary with the size and features of a Concert venue, but average 120 people per booking.
What is the average hourly minimum of Concert venues?
The average minimum booking time for Concert venues is 3 hours.
What is the average square feet of a Concert venue?
There's a great range of Concert venues available, with an average size of 1149 square feet.
What are the most popular Concert venues on Giggster?

Find Concert venues

Great concerts are more than just about live music and dancing in front of an audience—where the event takes place is crucial for the overall production’s success.

Concert venues come in all sizes, shapes, and types. You may find an artist playing at an auditorium, a function hall, or a nightclub. For bigger events, stadiums, arenas, theaters, and spacious live music venues are typically in demand. But, aside from energetic concerts, there’s a long list of other events you can host in a concert venue, from graduation ceremonies and wedding receptions to conferences, galas, award shows, and more.

The Best Events for Concert Venues

Most concert venues are versatile and adaptable, meaning you can turn them into any event space that matches your theme and aligns with your vision. Check out the following events you can host in these places:

Music Festival
Music festivals often need a lot of space, a good sound system, and acoustics for optimal sound quality, and a concert venue fits the bill. It’s also easy to create dynamic stage and lighting setups to meet the festival’s artistic vision.

Graduation Ceremony
It's probably the students' last day to attend a school-related activity, so you'll want to make it perfect. Why not host it in a concert venue to accommodate all graduates and their loved ones? After the ceremony, attendees can stay as the venue can provide entertainment for the graduation party.

Competitive Sports
From basketball and volleyball to fencing, boxing, archery, and gymnastics, there are multiple sports events and competitions that can take place in a concert venue. Spectators can find the best seat to watch athletes play without anything blocking their view.

Dance Shows
Some concert halls and amphitheaters have backstage facilities, well-lit stages, and seating tiers that make it easy for the audience to watch the dance performances. Others don’t just provide lighting systems and AV equipment; they also have a dedicated technician always ready to help when needed.

Whether it’s a political, fan-based, or corporate convention, you’ll benefit from hosting it in a unique concert space like a stadium, festival site, or music hall. These are multi-purpose facilities you can easily turn into a convention center.

What to Look for in Concert Venues

Debating whether to book a concert hall, an arena, or a live music venue? Use this guide to narrow your search and help you make a sound decision.

Seating Capacity
Check how many people can be seated in the venue and make sure it matches the number of people you expect to attend. You can’t fully enjoy an event that’s overcrowded, but beyond ensuring everyone’s comfort, there are legal and safety reasons behind it.

While many attendees might be willing to go out of their way to reach the concert location, it’s still best to choose an event space that’s centrally located and accessible via car and public transportation. It must also provide easy access to those with mobility issues or use a wheelchair.

What are your non-negotiables and things you can do without? Pick a venue with all the amenities and services you need, which can include convenient parking, HVAC systems, clean restrooms, and comfy seating. Having professional staff is also a plus, such as technical support, lighting specialists, caterers, and decorators.

Event Staging
It doesn’t have to be a large stage unless there’s dancing involved or any performance that requires a spacious area. Some places already have a stage while others have a space where you can build it. It mainly depends on what event you’re hosting, but it’s always a good idea to find a venue with a stage.

Top Performances: How to Make a Concert Event Better

If you think you already have everything you need for a successful concert event, think again. There are still a few things you can do to make it more fun, engaging, and immersive for your audience.

Photo Booths
Keep the crowd engaged throughout the concert or festival with creative photo booths. You can hire photographers to roam the event and take snapshots of attendees, have stationary photo stations, or a combination of both.

Invite Local and International Performers
Think about what kind of acts you want for the concert so that you can decide which artists to invite. Is it hip hop or rock to get the audience dancing, chilled-out jazz, or live country music? Once you’ve got the right vibe nailed down, look for artists that fit the bill. Don’t forget to include up-and-coming musicians and international and local favorites.

Light Show
Illuminate the audience and the performers with dazzling lights. Whether classic, pop, electro, or rock, synchronize the rhythm of the music with the light show for a magical effect.

Food and Drink Options
Create a concert-friendly menu with the perfect balance of convenience, nutrition, and taste. Think portable and non-perishable like sandwiches, pita pockets, and wraps. Coordinate with vendors to provide catering or food trucks for the event.

Stage Lighting
The artists on stage are the highlight of the event, so make them stand out with carefully planned lighting features. Besides illuminating the performers and sets, you might want to highlight different areas of the stage and create optical illusions with lights.

Build Your Concert Event Team

Whether it's an intimate event in a smaller venue or a major concert in a grand arena, you must work with reliable experts to obtain your goals and achieve success. We've got a few professionals to add to your team.

Lighting Technician
Event lighting does more than illuminate the concert hall or brighten up the event space—it paints the perfect backdrop for performances and helps the audience become more immersed in the show. Lighting technicians are painters who deal with any lighting-related element, bringing your creative vision to life through beautiful lighting designs.

Technical Support
While technical support can also help with lighting setup, they can cover numerous tasks like ensuring seamless sound throughout the concert, managing and maintaining IT systems, etc. Their goal is to minimize technical hiccups and elevate concert-goers’ experiences.

Crowd management and control are some of the challenges of planning a concert, especially when it’s held outside. But with outstanding security personnel on your team, you can rest easy knowing the crowds are taken care of, and attendees can feel safe.

Ticketing Partner
An event ticketing partner will save you from unnecessary stress. Since you already have someone handling the registration and ticketing process, you can focus on other aspects of the concert.

When organizing large concerts and festivals, hire ushers to entrust your audience. They’re the first people attendees interact with when they enter the venue and the last ones to say goodbyes to them as they leave, so they must be friendly and approachable.

Sound Practices: Benefits of Booking Your Concert Venue Early

When it comes to booking a concert venue, you shouldn't wait until the last moment to secure an event space. Remember that the earlier, the better, and here are several reasons why:

Availability of Your Desired Venue
You've put a lot of effort into getting your favorite band or musicians on board, finding suppliers, and coordinating with vendors. Imagine doing all that preparation and planning only to find out that your preferred venue is unavailable. If you don't secure your desired event space in advance, you have no choice but to go for the less desirable one, or at least the place you wouldn't imagine for your event.

Budget Management
Concert venue rentals aren’t exactly cheap, so you want to get them sorted early in the planning process. When you set aside money for it, you can allocate the remaining funds to other essential aspects of the event. You can factor in food, decorations, and photography in your budget.

Artists' Availability
When organizing a concert, you’ll have to book several artists and musicians. But you can’t invite them unless you have an event date and venue. If you secure the venue late, the artists you want to perform may no longer be available.

Booking early gives you more time to promote the event, increase anticipation, and get people excited about it. You can better plan the marketing strategies you can use to reach your targeted audience, build up the hype about it, and then have a better chance of selling more tickets.

Making Music: Famous Concert Venues

Looking for epic concert venues for festivals, music performances, or even small private events? Lucky for you as there's no shortage of event space to check out your favorite artist or perform yourself.

The Delta Center
Perhaps Salt Lake City isn't the first place that comes to mind when seeking mind-blowing concerts and festivals, but its thriving arts and music scene is worth discovering. Head west of downtown Salt Lake City, and you'll find the Delta Center—the region's leading sports and entertainment venue that regularly hosts touring shows, concerts, and sports events.

Pechanga Arena
If Salt Lake City has Delta Center, San Diego takes pride in its very own sports and entertainment, the Pechanga Arena. Here, you can opt for a premium seating experience perfect for staff outings, hosting clients, and private events.

Boston Symphony Hall
For anyone seeking top-of-the-line acoustics in Boston, why not have your next concert or a live show at Symphony Hall? And if you're into history and architecture, you're in for a treat. This historic landmark is over 120 years old and has seen tons of memorable acts for over a century.

Book the Best Concert Venues With Giggster

Concert venues aren't limited to those expansive event spaces with huge stages surrounded by rows of seating. A music lounge, a chic bar, a converted warehouse, a nightclub, or a retro room can be transformed into a unique setting for musicians to perform. Streamline your venue search with Giggster and book the best concert venue to give your audience the best party experience.