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Studio 9ine 2wenty One LLC (921) is a full service audio studio. The facility is designed for anyone from the most seasoned artist to the aspiring singer/rapper/songwriter that has the raw talent and ability but is looking for the right vehicle to take them to that next step. Indeed what makes our facility unique is that we recognize and cater to the fact that not every artist comes in on equal ground. The more seasoned clients may have carefully worked out songs complete with lyrics and arrangements fully prepared to go right to the recording stage. On the other end of the spectrum, a budding artist, whether on their own or with the support of a sponsor may come in with nothing but inspiration, a good singing voice and a willingness to learn. In that case our team are experts in music production can help you develop musical ideas. Studio 9ine 2wenty One LLC (921) is a private engineering and production studio, in the heart of Las Vegas. Our recording and monitoring room is designed to
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