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Top Retro locations

Deerhurst Road, Retro Shoot Location
  • £216/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (5)
  • 5
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  • London
Exposed Plaster Concrete Parkside Loft Farm View
  • £130/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (4)
  • 4
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  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
Heaver House with open plan kitchen kitchen
  • £216/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (2)
  • 2
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  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
Priscilla: Colourful Edwardian Townhouse
  • £150/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
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  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Margate
  • £175/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (11)
  • 11
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  • Responds within a day
  • London
Supernova: Space Age Seventies Inspired Apartment
  • £175/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
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  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Brighton
Large modern detached house
  • £100/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
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  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Leicestershire
Manchester Suburban Apartment
  • £50/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
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  • Responds within 1 hr
  • Manchester
Quirky Textured Clapham Townhouse
  • £200/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (0)
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  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
Central London Victorian Mews House Retro Unique
  • £110/hr
  • New
  • 5.0 (1)
  • 1
  • Instant book
  • Responds within a few hours
  • London
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What people say about Retro on Giggster

Leanne G.
$ 650
7 hours
5 people
6 months ago
Everything was perfect. The host is very friendly and the house was exactly as described.
Leanne G.
$ 650
7 hours
5 people
6 months ago
Everything was perfect. The host is very friendly and the house was exactly as described.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an average Retro location cost to rent?
Retro location rates typically average $152 per hour.
What is the attendee limitation of average Retro locations?
Attendee limits often vary with the size and features of a Retro location, but average 34 people per booking.
What is the average hourly minimum of Retro locations?
The average minimum booking time for Retro locations is 3 hours.
What is the average square feet of a Retro location?
There's a great range of Retro locations available, with an average size of 2898 square feet.
What are the most popular Retro locations on Giggster?

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About Retro Locations

Retro event locations make for some of the best places to host events. From a vintage-style restaurant with a parking lot and bowling alleys for everyone to enjoy, these places are perfectly located for an unforgettable retro event.

An event space like a studio also works excellently for hosting retro events with a Chicago vibe – think black and white shoes, bowler hats, and women in flowy dresses with coiffed updos.

Retro bowling alleys are also excellent places to host events. Many alleys offer private bowling suites for larger groups that make lovely spaces for special occasions, with waitstaff available to serve food and drinks throughout your event. Drive-in movie theaters provide one of the most remarkable retro experiences around. Enjoy a double feature from the comfort of your car while snacking on popcorn or candy. Even better, some venues offer private screenings on special screens so you can have the entire area all to yourself.

You could also opt for a photo shoot or video shoot with a classic car from the 60s and 70s or some props that scream retro. Some places in cities like San Diego and Chicago still have the retro vibe that many people look for in an event space. If you have guests from out of town, search for a studio or accommodation with rooms for your guests, so you can enjoy the retro event location while you party in the heart of the city.

No matter what type of event you're planning, there's sure to be a perfect retro venue that will add a special touch to your occasion. So log out of the 2020s and log into the 1960s.

The Best Events for Retro Locations

  • Dance parties
    Retro venues are a great location to host a party instead of a studio. Everyone can have fun on the dance floor, and guests can dress up in vintage clothing. The music should also reflect the shoot or musical time, with classic jazz and swing pieces. To make it even more interesting, arrangements of props such as old furniture pieces, an hour clock, or vintage chandeliers could be put around the venue to create an aesthetic look.
  • Theater performances
    An old theater has plenty of perks that make it ideal for hosting a unique show. Its ornate architecture creates an atmosphere of theatricality, which is perfect for theater performances. It is possible to do some simple renovations that fit with the retro style of the building to make it stand out even more. In addition, theater performances give everyone attending something different than they may expect when entering a retro location.
  • Game nights
    Why wait to find a retro place? Decorate your studio venue to look like one of the old vintage cities like Chicago. Hosting a game night with family in a retro venue or a log cabin type of place can be a nice way to have fun. Board games are especially popular during these nights, as they allow people to interact with each other in different ways and help them bond over their talent with some friendly competition. Additionally, props such as old arcade machines or pinball machines can be used throughout the venue for more entertainment options. Your guests can log their high scores while you distribute prizes to the winners. You can also check for rental vendors offering costumes to match your retro night.
  • Vintage-themed weddings
    Couples can decorate their space with vintage furniture around the venue, giving their special day an air of nostalgia suited ideally for such places. Furthermore, couples may add tasteful elements of retro fashion into their attire or hire performers dressed up in period-specific clothing to provide entertainment throughout their event.

What to Look for in Retro Locations

  • Capacity
    Check the space available before you book a venue for your retro event. You should have enough room to accommodate all your guests. For this reason, the location area and site are critical. You should also check for seating, dancing, and dining options. If you plan an activity, it's best to count that into the area too.
  • Ambiance
    The venue's atmosphere plays an important role in setting the mood for your event space. Research ahead of time and look into what kind of decorations and vibe each potential location has. Make sure it is appropriate for the tone you want to set and that it will make guests feel comfortable during their stay.
  • Amenities
    Check for services at the venue to make the retro event more enjoyable. Examples could include tables, chairs, sound systems, and projectors. You should also ensure there’s enough room for food service areas and bar areas, etc. Depending on your event's size, it might be beneficial if the venue had additional staff available so you could focus on hosting instead of handling details.
  • Accessibility
    When you choose your retro location, start looking around for transport options. Your guests should be able to move around quickly, and have public and private transport options. Your event should be in an area with shuttles, or a train and bus service, so people can enjoy themselves. If there are any guests driving, you should also check for parking options.

How to Make Retro Events Better

  • Choose an easy space: When selecting a retro studio or venue to look like old-school Chicago; you must ensure it looks vintage but is modern with the amenities. You should also check that there are plenty of bathrooms and parking spaces at the event space.

  • Catering: Select caterers for a vintage type of cuisine at your event space. You can also hire bartenders for retro cocktails. Don’t forget to provide snacks throughout the event. Popcorn, candy floss, and other vintage treats will make your guests feel like they’ve stepped back in time. Just ensure there’s enough room to set up everything.

  • Protect the Studio: Hosting a studio party for a vintage feel is not always as it seems. Some locations are not well-cleaned. This unclean environment can lead to breathing issues. Take steps to have a professional look into the upkeep and get a pest control done followed by a deep clean.

  • Rely on professionals for help if necessary: Even though a retro site might be more accessible to staff than one with more modern amenities, ensure you have reliable professionals helping out who can help manage more technical aspects like sound systems and lighting setups if necessary.